Yesterday, our Launch Day of our Cafeteria Ranger Program at The Children’s School was truly amazing!
We had only one bag of garbage, weighing only 5 pounds on our first day of our student leadership cafeteria program!
Congratulations and a huge thank you to the entire school community!
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Our garbage weighed 20.76 pounds from breakfast and all lunch periods on one day.

Before student leadership in the cafeteria, there was lots of contamination*
*Recycling and compost that went to the landfill because it was placed in the wrong bin.
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Before the Cafeteria Ranger Program:
Recycling contamination was 25%
Trash contamination was 80% 
Organics contamination was 8%


(photos and data from Launch Day, October 11, 2017)
One bag of garbage, weighing 5.1 pounds from breakfast and all lunch periods on one day!
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Our garbage is now only 5 pounds AND we have reduced contamination:
Recycling contamination is now 0%
Trash contamination is now 0% 
Organics contamination is now 0%
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Students diverted a total of 73 pounds from going to a landfill!
ALL this, with student Rangers as the leaders!
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Please share this vimeo link to SORT2save Cheer!, a 6-minute sing-along video and and Cafeteria Ranger Crash Course that teachers can use to review sorting rules and Ranger duties with students:
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