Information on Shredding

Questions on how long you need to keep paper records? Read about it here: If you have anything to shred come down and shred for a cause: The Fourth Grade trip to Philadelphia! Shredding Day: This Saturday at school, 10am-1pm!

Lice Day Report: Good News!!

Dear Families: I’m thrilled to report that there were a mere 10 cases of lice found in our school-wide check last week. Even better, the cases were spread out among different classes which means that we prevented a big outbreak. Thank you to the fabulous and unflappable Gayle Kirshenbaum, Jennifer Brilliant and Vicky Cernos for

The Quota Conspiracy

It’s never easy to watch a child struggle. It’s even harder to learn that your child is struggling more than his/her peers, whether it’s in one specific area or several areas. For many parents (including myself), it can be difficult to determine the difference between a minor stumbling block and a more significant issue. What

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