If you child was born in 2011 and live in New York City, you can apply to district schools or NYC Early Education Centers for the 2015-2016 school year. The admission process for Pre-K begins March 16, 2015 and ends April 24, 2015. Placement Offers Distributed Early June 2015. Pre-Registration June 2015
There are three ways to apply for Pre-K:
Online at www.nyc.gov/prek
Over the phone by calling (718)935-2067 (8am – 6pm Monday through Friday)
In person at a Family Welcome Center (8am – 3pm Monday through Friday)
For Locations, visit www.nyc.gov/schools/welcomecenters
Attend an information session to learn about Pre-K Addmissions for September 2015. You can also use our Pre-K Directory to research your school choices. Please click on following link for more information. http://schools.nyc.gov/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK/events/default