PS 372 General Meeting Minutes – 11/18/21

Held via Google Meet

29 Participants

Welcome to our virtual PTA meeting – Liza 

  1. School Updates from Ms. Bridget
  2. Introducing Mr. Joshua Baez – new AP
  3. Parent Updates from Ms. Yvette
  4. PTA News – Liza
  5. Movie Night returns – Kathleen
  6. Stay& Play Updates – Michelle
  7. Lice Day – Michelle
  8. Treasurers’ Report – Tania & Charlie
    1. Foley Firs & Gifts that Give-Back
  9. Thanks – we couldn’t do it without you! 

School Updates

  1. Situation Room Update 
    1. Questions about how the list is created?  Who is a close contact?
    2. Situation Room talks to person who is sick and anyone who is 3 feet masked, unmasked
    3. School has no control over it.  SR tells them who is on the list.
    4. Testing out of quarantine after 8 days. Day 5 have PCR or Rapid Test to return.
  2. Lateness 
    1. Really try to reduce lateness
    2. Even more disruptive due to screening process
    3. Considering incentive idea to encourage promptness
      1. Suggested prize is extra recess time
  1. Safety 
  2. Assessments
  3. Will be starting SE screeners.  Able to opt out.
  4. Map Screening occurred last week
    1. Should have progress assessments for children next week.
  5. Fire Drills have started and will continue
    1. First fire drill was very effective
    2. Will also restart lock-down drills
      1. Wont know in advance but Konstella blast will alert families that it occurred
  6. Introduction of Joshua Baez – New Assistant Principal
    1. Comes from CPSE
    2. Experience comes from diverse districts
    3. Also has prior Special Ed and Gen Ed in District 15

Parent Updates – Ms. Yvette

  1.  Arrivals & Pickup: 
  1. Parking situation on 1st Street.  
    1. Refer to Konstella blast sent this week that included alternative parking options
    2. Safety is a priority for our school but also greater neighborhood
  2. Late pick-ups will be in the Big Yard for all students who after 2:30pm
  1. Middle School News – Touching Base Meeting for 5th Grade Families
    1. Tuesday, November 23 at 9:30am with Ms. Gillian and myself
      1. Possibly Ms. Clark and Ms. Dolan
  2. Classroom Temperatures & Ventilation 
    1. Recommend extra layer of clothing for the classrooms. Refer to Konstella blast.
    2. Windows must be kept open.  
    3. Two purifiers in all classroom and other spaces where children are present
    4. Ms. Bridget to look into the “Gothamist” article regarding air purification and circulation

PTA News

  1. Recent Events
    1. Brooklyn PTA Fun Run – raised about $25,000 for Title 1 Brooklyn schools
    2. Picture Day at both sites went very smoothly – check email for info about ordering
    3. NYC Vaccination Referral Program – $100/referral for PTA
      1. 116 referrals so far, max# is 200 so keep sharing the details
  2. Upcoming PTA Events
    1. Tomorrow: Movie Night – gate opens at 6pm and movie starts at 6:30
    2. Lice Day – Dec. 10th @ Carroll St. – TBD for Adelphi St. – watch for forms
    3.    Rescheduled: Roots & Community now in May – outdoors in Big Yard
  3. New Adelphi Street Class/Site Parents
    1. Can contact them at
  4. No December PTA meeting

Movie Night!

  1. Check Konstella for sign-up link
    1. Pre-registration is required 
  2. Health Screenings also required (ones from the morning for kids are good)
  3. Outdoors in the Big Yard — divided into a 6’ grid and each spot will accommodate a group of 4 people. 
  4. Gates open at 6:00pm and Movie starts at 6:30pm
  5. Concessions include pizza, popcorn, chips, water/seltzer, and hot chocolate & hot apple cider
  6. Pizza donated by Brooklyn Pizza Kitchen (PS372 parents!)
  7. Concession sales will be *cash* only
  8. Bring blankets and enjoy the movie!\
  9. Also collecting gift cards for holiday gift drive (Old Navy, Stop & Shop, etc)

Planning for January – Michelle Dobson

  1. PTA’s Stay&Play will be expanding in January!
  2. Working to return enrichment classes, but combining program into Stay&Play, not separate enrollment
  3. Homework Help will continue for Grades 1st through 5th
  4. Focus continues to be on running a safe, fun program
  5. Sign-ups for Winter session starts in December
    1. Hoping to eliminate the wait list!
  6. Watch for details in December & check our website
  7. Kids love being in Stay&Play!
  8. Reach out to

Lice Day

  1. Friday December 10th @ Carroll Street 
  2. Follow-up checks on Monday Dec. 13th
  3. Still working on dates for Adelphi St., but coming soon
  4. Lice checkers are vaccinated
  5. Will take place outdoors, weather permitting.  If brought inside will make sure social distancing is enforced.
  6. Forms will be sent home soon
    1. Will be able to complete permission slip online
    2. Paper form will be provided if necessary 
  7. You can also state on permission slip that you do not want your child checked

Treasurer’s Report

  1.  Annual Appeal 
    1. Annual Appeal will be starting in November
    2. Letters will be sent home soon in backpacks
    3. One of the major fundraisers that supports PTA
  2. Smaller fundraisers that help out
    1. Gear Sales – t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, and more with school logos
    2. Shop via our special links to vendors and the school gets donations when you buy
    3. NYC Vaccination Referral Program – $100/referral for PTA up to 200 people
      1. Appointments easy at Citypoint
    4. Event-based donations help keep our entrance tickets free for everyone
      1. Look for QR codes at events or check our website

Please support our fundraising efforts!

  1. Where Does The Money Go?
    1. Grants for every classroom at both sites & specialist teachers (science, dance, art, PE, music, OT, PT, etc.) 
    2. General Support for school activities
    3. Arts Enrichment programs return 
    4. Planning for our PTA school-wide events: Readathon, Movie Night, etc.
    5. Funding for technology and other enrichment programs
      1. Recently funded purchase of 100 upgraded ChromeBooks

Foley Firs

  1. $10 for our school per tree
  2. 724 8th ave near
  3. Free delivery
  4. Indoor set-up returns
  6. Order tree online & tell them you’re from PS 372!
    1. Good for friends and family too.  Don’t need to be a student!

Gifts that Give Back!


  1. Thanks to Stay&Play Committee on their continuing efforts to improve program
  2. Big thank you to Kathleen Conner and Sarah Graham for their work to make Movie Night a success and get us all some warm food to picnic with in the yard
  3. Thanks to Lori White for adding Class/Site Parents for Adelphi Street
    1. They will be helping with Adelphi events and PTA communications there
  4. Thank you to Michelle Dobson for helping Lice Day return safely
  5. Thank YOU being part of our great community and supporting our school 
  6. We are looking for volunteers to help with Auction, Read-a-thon.  
  7. The next PTA Meeting is scheduled for January 20th, 2022 @ 6:45pm 

Chat Notes Posted in Google Meet:

00:23:17 Alen Shapiro: Hi Josh 🙂

00:23:29 Brie Ashley: Welcome!

00:26:41 Ada Martin: Hi all, in today’s Gothamist there was an investigation that shows how schools with window and portable purifier-based air circulation have a higher rate of Covid cases among students and teachers, The Children’s School is one of those schools, that article is here:  Part of what’s going on is DOE shelled out for cheapo purifiers. I’d like to know what leverage the administration has to lean on DOE to improve this situation.

00:30:38 Joshua Baez: Hi Alen and everyone on this chat 🙂

00:35:16 Alen Shapiro: Bring thermos’ if you would like to keep hot drinks warm

00:39:38 Alen Shapiro: Charles – your mic is overdriving.

00:43:51 251028: For MINTED, it’s a promo code: PTA of PS372’s promo code is: FUNDRAISEPTAPS372

00:44:12 251028: You get 20% off and school gets 15%

00:45:32 Michelle Dobson: Thank you Liza for all your hard work!!! You’re doing a great job! 👍👍

00:45:59 Bridget Nash: I second Michelle…Thank you, Liza!!!

00:46:10 Brie Ashley: Thank you all!!

00:46:14 Candida Aguilar-Salim: Thank you!

00:46:16 Charles Hart: thanks!

00:46:18 Shelli Rottman: Thank you everyone for all the work you do!

00:46:20 Ada Martin: Thanks all!

00:46:21 Lori White: Thank you!!!

00:46:23 Joshua Baez: 👍 Thank you Liza and all parents on this call

Notes Submitted 11/29/21 

Julie Lipton, PS 372 PTA Recording Secretary

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