November 3, 2021 SLT Meeting Minutes 


Attendance at SLT meetings was discussed. It was noted that SLT members should make a best effort to attend all SLT meetings. 

New Members 

Alice Hoff and Kathy Mullen joined the SLT as new teacher members. Alice will join the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and Kathy will join the Social Emotional Committee. 

Subcommittee Reports 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

The DEI subcommittee did not meet during October due to the Assistant Principal interviews. The committee noted that it would look at the One Book One School initiative and the equity work the teaching staff is doing. 


The CEP met in October and looked at each CEP goal individually and discussed the purpose of the subcommittee. 

All SLT members were asked to review the CEP in the iPlan portal before the next SLT meeting. 

Social Emotional Committee 

The Social Emotional Committee also didn’t meet due to the AP interviews. 

Principal’s Report 

Vaccine Pop-up Information 

● School will be hosting a vaccine pop up shortly 

● Parents can be with their child 

● Only first doses were eligible 

Staffing update 

● 4 paraprofessionals resigned. 

● 1 teacher went on leave 

● The school has a good amount of substitute teachers but still needs more para subs.

● It is very time consuming to identify substitutes as all subs provided need to be vetted for licensees, references, etc. 

Busing Update 

● The K 528 bus showed up for the first time on 11/3. Y&M bussing company runs K 528.

● Otherwise, all busses are now running. 

● The DoE has been reimbursing travel for students without busses but has been requiring paper receipts 

Assistant Principal Update

● Joshua Baez was selected to be our new AP. He will start on 11/8 

● Plan to introduce him to the school at the next PTA meeting. 

Screeners Update 

● Training on the SEL screener for the teachers is very long 

● Completing the SEL screener for special needs students can be challenging

● The SEL screener is very subjective 

● There are also academic screeners for ELA and math 

● This is placing a large burden on the teachers 

Special Education Recovery Services 

● Not clear when services will start or how it will be staffed. 

PTA Report 

● Had a successful first movie night. Will try for another movie night in November.

● The Brooklyn PTA fun run raised $20k for Title 1 schools in Brooklyn

● Picture day went smoothly at Carroll. 6-1-1 site picture day was scheduled for the next day 

● The Book Fair is on hold currently given the amount of things happening at the school (vaccine pop-up clinic etc) 

● May have a virtual book fair in Jan/Feb. 

● Roots and Community is being postponed to May. Hopefully will be able to hold it in person.

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