Welcome from PTA President

  • Welcome to the last general PTA of the year!

Update from Ms. Rosa

  • Good morning
  • Thank you to Nicole for her work as President of the PTA
  • Introduce new Assistant Principal, Ms. Bridget Nash. Comes to us from a District 75 school, P.S. 369. Excited to be here to work with us and to add to our community.
  • Returning to the old schedule of ending the day at 2:40. Start time will remain the same. Monday will be professional development day. Tuesday will be family day. Summer program begins July 6, 8:10 to 2:40.

Budget report from the PTA Treasurer

  • Handed out draft budget for 2016/2017, which we need to approve.
  • Similar to last year, though art budget has increased as a grant of theirs has ended.
  • $900 funding for 5th grade, which can be used for Broadway if the teacher’s/art committee want to bring it back or can find discounted tickets again
  • Technology budget is used for computers, iPads, smart boards etc.….
  • There was a move to accept the budget; seconded; budget is passed

Elections for the Executive Board for 2016/2017

  • Election is not contested so there will not be ballots
  • A goal for next year would be to help parents better understand the role of the PTA and get more parents involved
  • Lucia, past PTA President, will step up to the role of ex-officio to coach the new presidents.
    • Teacher Representative – Amy Vagelatos
    • Member at Large – Raphael Gomez Luna
    • New Parent Representative – Layale Hamdan (from ASD site)
    • Co-Vice President – Meredith Finn-Beers and Jessica Miksis
    • Co-Secretaries – Cindy Day
    • Co-Treasurers – Radha Korman
    • Co-Presidents – Nina Crews and Stephen Eustace
  • A move to approve the roles; seconded; approved

Vote on one-time spending proposals for 2016-2017

  • Have reserves from higher fundraising/lower spending over the last several years
  • See handout of summary of mini-grants
    • Cafeteria/Fans – passed
    • All grades/Field Day T-shirts (ICT and ASD) – passed, 27 for, 1 against
      • This is a pilot
      • In lean years would need to eliminate
      • Could look for a sponsor
    • ASD-ICT Speech/Weekly Social Skills Group – passed
    • 3rdG Word Study/3xWilson Foundations – passed
    • 1st Grade/5 computers for math – passed
    • 4th Grade/4-5 external drives – passed
    • OT/10 Silent headsets – passed
    • Science/Science Library – passed
    • Science/Visiting Speakers – passed
    • ASD/water bottle filing station – passed
    • ASD/camera – passed
    • Misc/Undoing Racism Workshop – passed, 1 against
      • Suggestion to group the diversity proposals together
      • Suggestion in future years to group like proposals
    • All Grades/Student Voices Newspaper – passed
    • All Grades/One School, One Book – passed
    • Teachers/Responsive Classroom Training – passed
    • Teachers/Teachers College Professional Development – passed, 1 against
    • ASD/Gym – passed

Update on the Annual Appeal

  • Have raised around 40K; around 40% participation
  • Big change this year was that we raised the ask but received contributions at all levels

End of Year Carnival

  • Out of time for this agenda item

Last word from Nicole

  • There will be committees to sign up to volunteer next year
  • Please sign up!
  • Encourage your friends!
  • Auction Committee, Hospitality Committee, Communications Committee, etc…
  • Everyone can engage in one role!
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