There is a school-wide lice check 3x a year. Our first lice check for students is NEXT week on Friday, September 23rd.

Please look for permission/payment slips going home in backpacks this week.

We need parent volunteers to help out on Friday the 23rd! Please sign up (via the paper slips) if you can lend a hand. Thank you!

Another option this year is to complete an online form for permission and payment/sponsorship.

Why are we checking for lice? Lice is highly contagious, early detection can stop a school wide outbreak in its tracks! There were numerous cases of lice in the school past years. These checks help keep them from spreading and becoming an infestation.

What happens if my child is found to have lice? If your child is identified as having lice, you will be called to pick up your child so the condition will not spread further. You will be given a handout about what you need to do to thoroughly rid your child’s head, your family, and home of lice and their eggs. You can also get information about receiving treatment from one of the lice experts who conduct the head checks.

Having lice is in NO WAY a reflection of the cleanliness of the home, but getting rid of them does require a concerted effort on the part of our whole community.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


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