The September PTA meeting was held on Sept. 23, virtually. A recording is available for school families.

September 23, 2021

This meeting was held remotely.  Notes from the Q&A Chat are also included at the end.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introduction of the PTA Executive Board
  2. What Does the PTA of PS 372 Do?
  3. School Updates from Ms. Rosa & Mr. Frank
  4. Parent updates from Ms. Yvette
  5. Class Parent Overview from Lori White – Class Parent Coordinator
  6. Stay&Play After-School Program – Michelle Dobson
  7. Communications Committee opportunities
  8. Upcoming PTA Events

PTA Executive Board

  1. President: Liza Gouger –
  2. Co-Vice Presidents: Kathleen Connor and Lori White
  3. Co-Treasurers:  Tania Ahmed and Charles Hart –
  4. Recording Secretary:  Julie Lipton –
  5. Teacher Representative: Amy Vagelatos 
  6. Members-at-Large: Jesse Childs, Maureen Jones, Gabriel Snyder, Melissa Tabatabi  
  7. New Parent Member at Large: Melissa Melkumov –
  8. Ex-Officio: Michelle Dobson –

What does the PTA Do?

  1. We are building a school community through school-wide events for families and children to meet and have fun
    1. Since our school is not a zoned, neighborhood school, we have families from all over District 15 
    2. We plan events to draw our community together, helping children and parents meet and enjoy activities together
  2. We support our school, providing programs and materials that expand the curriculum for all students
    1. We have several major fundraisers each year to raise money to support these efforts
  3. Everyone with a child at PS 372 is automatically part of the PTA – no need to join

Where does the money come from?

  1. Our main sources of income are:
    1. Pizza Friday
    2. Direct Appeal 
    3. Spring Auction & Party
    4. Other fundraising events such as the Book Fair, Gear Sales, AmazonSmile, & Readathon
    5. *We welcome parents to take the lead on new fundraising opportunities. If you have new ideas, please email them to

Where does the money go?

  1. The money raised by the PTA goes to fund many wonderful programs at PS372, such as.:
    1. Expanding classroom libraries & the Carroll & Adelphi St. Libraries
    2. Curriculum extensions for all students at both sites, such as: 
    3. Chess & Architecture programs 
    4. China, Egypt, and South Africa study activities 
    5. Thunderbird Indian Dancers
    6. Alvin Ailey dance program
    7. Lunch Clubs & Friday Studios: such as Lego Robotics, yearbook, sewing, movie animation, etc.
    8. The One School, One Book Project
    9. School improvements, such as: window shades, air conditioners in cafeteria, sound system in gym
    10. Mini-grants for all classrooms, specialists, and therapists for materials, activities, projects, and trips
    11. Removed admission charges from all school-based PTA events
    12. Support school garden activities and curriculum tie-ins
    13. Carnival, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, and Field Day end-of-year activities

Welcome from Ms. Rosa

  1. PS 372 Principal — Rosa Amato
  2. Assistant Principals
    1. Bridget Nash, (maternity leave)
    2. Frank Ammirata, Special Education 
  3. Unit Coordinator, Adelphi St. — Kianah Smith
  4. Parent Coordinator — Yvette Agaz-Bautz
  5. Dean of Students — Maura O’Grady 
  6. Special Education Coordinator — Barbara Clark
  7. School-Based Support Team Lead — Ann Dolan
  8. Main Office —    
    1. Christine Corcoran
    2. Nancy Badali
    3. Annette Stuto

Report from Ms. Rosa

  1. Two classes closed  
    1. One class at Carroll St and one at Adelphi
    2. The classes will be closed through 10/1 returning 10/4
    3. Remote learning is still happening with these classes
    4. Parents/guardians should reach out if you need technology support or assistance
  2. Changes to arrivals and dismissal
    1. 5th grade now goes straight to class.
    2. Next week 4th grade may do the same.  
    3. If you have a specific concern with your child there are options or escorts. 
  3. Sidewalk congestion and social distancing
    1. The best way to alleviate pick-up traffic is to pick up and move away from the gate or pick-up area.
  4. Lunch time eating
    1. Up to 50 kids are now allowed in cafeteria; this means less kids eating hallways.  
    2. Parents are encouraged to provide mat or towel for children to sit on as some kids will continue to eat on the floor.
  5. Parking surrounding the school can be very difficult
    1. Dropping off at Whitwell and moving on is fine.  
    2. Also PTA will be providing information on streets in the local area that are “easier to park” or metered.  
    3. No one should be double parking, parking in bus zone or on sidewalk.
    4. Many parents/guardians have already been ticketed
  6. Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) is currently an issue, especially at Adelphi campus.  
    1. Contact person should be OPT or Maura Grady.  
    2. The school can’t currently make changes to routes or busses.  
  7. Tuesday 9/27 is the deadline for staff to receive their first vaccine dose for unvaccinated staff.  
    1. Ms. Rosa is asking for patience as we anticipate absences that should be backfilled by substitutes.

PS 372 Parent Coordinator — Ms. Yvette Agas-Bautz

  1. School communications are sent via platforms
    1. Konstella (Carroll St)
    2. Remind (Adelphi site) 
    3. These platforms are the best way to communicate with parents and the community.  
    4. Bus routes have been created on Konstella, updates will be posted there
  2. NYC schools account 
    1. This is your child’s school record (emergency contacts, IEPs, report cards)
    2. Multiple kids can be linked under one account
  3. Middle School – planning and tours 
    1. No tours posted yet
    2. Videos are still posted from last year
    3. Online application through Myschools (different than NYC schools account)
      1. 5th grade parents will be getting a link from Yvette when they become available
  4. School Lunches 
    1. Kids are enjoying school lunches!
    2. If kids are not “into” what is on offer they may be hungry.  If possible send a snack or smaller lunch from home if your kid may not be “into” the food.
    3. It is a quick 25 minutes before they go outside.  
    4. The October menu has been sent out.  Published menu can change, but so far it has been accurate.  
  5. Yvette’s Office Hours via Google Meet every Wednesdays from 10am to 11am starting Wednesday, September 29 – link will be sent out on Konstella.

Konstella – Liza Gouger

  1. Please make sure you are signed up & registered for Konstella. 
  2. Messages from school administration, including emergency announcements, are delivered via Konstella.
  3. PTA events and news are published here as well
  4. Classrooms, grades, and groups can organize discussions to coordinate activities, such as the school camping trip.
  5. Konstella also has bus route information.  
  6. Translation options also available. 
  7. To request access, go to 372

Class Parents – Lori White

  1. What is a Class Parent? Responsibilities include:
    1. Manage communication for classroom events
    2. Important liaison between PTA, families, and teachers
    3. Attend PTA meetings and encourage fellow parents to attend
    4. Solicit volunteers for school events (Roots & Community, Gala/Auction, etc.)
    5. Organize a Class Directory or Play Date Book (PreK-2nd Grade)
    6. Coordinate donations from parents for classroom teachers
    7. Organize production of Staff Appreciation Day projects with class
    8. Works best if there are 3-5 class parents per class 
    9. Lori will be sending out a Class Parent meeting notice within the first few days
    10. Coordinator – Lori White –

Afterschool Program – Michelle Dobson

  1. Stay&Play! – PTA sponsored Program

Program strives to provide the PS 372 Families with a fun, inclusive and affordable after school program which empowers and supports our children’s growing bodies and minds by providing thoughtful and engaged leadership that encourages play and friendship.

2.     How does the Stay&Play Program Work? 

  1. Available to all PS 372 students (PreK – 5)
  2. Separates kids by grades (EC, 1-2, 3-5)
  3. Every school day from 2:30pm until 6:00pm
  4. Starts first full day of School until last full day
  5. Can pick days of week you need (1-5 days)
  6. Financial assistance is available 
  7. Michelle also gave a huge shout out to all those who made the program possible this year as it transitioned back to school organized vs. outside company
  8. Limited Spots to start
  9. Waitlist – Students will be offered spots on a rolling basis
  10. Homework Help starts Oct. 4th
  11. No Enrichment – 1st term – hoping for possibly 2nd term/January
  12. First Session ends Dec. 23rd
  13. Michelle Dobson, After School Program Director

Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Class Parents
  2. Committees 
  3. School Garden
  4. Gear Sales
  5. Lice Checks – checks by professional Lice people
  6. Pizza Friday – might look slightly different than years past, but it is coming back!
  7. Other PTA Events
  8. Graphic Design
  9. Communications
  10. Technology
  11. Fundraising & Grants
  12. Email if you are interested in helping the PTA


  1. Sarah Graham — Communications Committee Chair
    1. Looking for more people with experience with WordPress and website design knowledge to help publish school news.
    2. If you are experienced in using social media on behalf of a business, we’d love to have you help manage our twitter, instagram and facebook accounts.
    3. We are also looking for bilingual parents who would be willing to work as translators for PTA flyers and information sheets.
    4. Email if you are interested in helping communications

Upcoming PTA Events

  • October 
    • 10/1 TBC  Lice Check #1 (Follow-up a week later). Are aiming to do it outdoors weather permitting.
    • 10/15     Movie Night in Big Yard – movie TBA
    • 10/21    General PTA Meeting – 6:45pm virtual meeting
    • 10/22    Pizza Friday Begins (Carroll St.; Adelphi St. pizza days TBD)
  • November
    • 11/1      Picture Day (Carroll St.)
    • 11/4      Picture Day (Adelphi St.)
    • 11/TB  Garden cleanup and winterizing day

Chat Q&A from PS372 September PTA Meeting – 23 September 2021 


Please don’t park on 1st street in front of the Recreation Center, that must remain clear for buses. Please don’t park on the sidewalk or illegally. Alternate side parking in and around the school is Wednesdays and Fridays beginning at 9am. There are a lot of meters available on 5th Avenue


Q: Are any of the classes eating lunch outdoors?
A: Not currently. That space is being used for recess.

Q: Can the school use Whitwell place like they did last year so outdoor eating could happen?
A: Eating outside is difficult but we will look at this again.


Q: Can you tell us what percentage of student body is included in school testing?  And have DOE testers visited the school yet?
A: Yes.  Both sites have had testing this week. 10% of the students.

Q: Thank you. Glad they came. (Could we note that somewhere so parents will know if their child(ren) wasn’t tested?)
A: If the child(ren) was tested, then you will receive a letter from us.

Q:  Could you tell us what percentage of kids at Carroll St have signed consent forms?
A: We are just getting all of the consent forms in now. The consents from last year are still valid until 9/30. Not sure if we are allowed to share exact percentage once it rolls over after the 30th.

Q: Can we please understand how we will be notified of a positive covid case moving forward – if kids will not be expected to quarantine or social distance?
A: Discussed in meeting.


Q: Is it possible to record curriculum conferences so those of us who pick up/can’t make it can hear what we missed?
A: We can not require classroom conferences to be recorded

Q: Is there somewhere we can go to listen to the conference at the school, with WIFI.. since there will be no time to pick up the kids and get home
A: A Google meet has a phone-in option too. If you do not receive it, connect with a teacher and you can call in too.


Q: Yvette, can you let people know it’s better to discuss the bus route on individual routes instead of the overall bus group?  I think some people are missing info because it’s in the wrong chat
A: Frank: Not sure the individual bus groups are full set up yet on Konstella

Follow up: All Gen Ed and door-to-door routes should now be set up. Search under “Social Groups” to join. 

A: Yvette: For the bus families if you this meeting please join your child’s bus route to communicate with the other parents on that bus route. I did join all the bus routes so I will be able to see all dialogue.


Q: Do Kindergarten kids have a snack during the day?  Or just lunch?

A: Snack, yes. K kids can have a snack during the day.

Comment: K2 does not have snack time

A: Teachers told me students are welcomed to take snack at any time they need one

Comment: That is great news! I will communicate that, thank you


Q: Are there air filters in the cafeteria?

A: Yes, there are air purifiers in the cafe.


Q: Do subs have to be vaccinated by Tuesday also?  (and are the Tuesday absences because they are getting vaxxed on the last day?)

A: Yes. Subs need to be vaxxed



Q: Can you share what classroom at Carroll Street is currently quarantined?

A: No. Technically we can’t share which class has closed.


Q: Are you looking at the people who signed up for class parent through Konstella?

A:  Yes I check! Lori (class parent coordinator)

Number of Google Meet Attendees:  141

Submitted by Julie Lipton
PS 372 PTA Recording Secretary

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