Dear Parents:

Do you know of anyone or are yourself wanting to sing fun, challenging repertoire of all kinds
(pop; Renaissance; vocal jazz; Motown) in a small group of enthusiastic, skilled musicians?
Did you do fairly high level ensemble singing in college or post-college, and miss the camaraderie and challenge?

I am starting an informal SMALL group of fellow amateur and semi-professional musicians to
meet regularly to work on and perform (ultimately) this repertoire.  Rehearsals would be defined by the group,
but most likely twice a month for an afternoon.

I am a former professional singer who misses the fun of small group singing. I have extensive experience
in choral, solo and musical theatre genres, and am a music educator. I would guide rehearsals,
but view this as a collaborative group as well.

Come join us for a trial run; we will be meeting on Sunday, October 2nd in the afternoon or early evening.
If you are interested, email with your availability that day and the weekend of October 15/16.


Julia Hurn

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