Meeting called to order @ 6:45 pm, Dec. 7, 2020


▪ Meeting conducted via Google Meet due to COVID-19 

New Business 

1. SLT Elections 

o 2 new parent reps (Ellen Golay, Alexis Goldberg) 

o 4 new teacher reps (Barbara Clark, Elena Gregson, Beth Huff, Aida Velez-Minsky) 

2. Review Role of SLT 

o Finalize date/time of future meetings – 1st Wed. of every month @ 6:45pm per Google Meet
o All SLT meetings are open meetings (per open meeting law – Public Officers Law §103[a])
▪ Guests are welcome to observe; in order to speak guests must have an item on the agenda vetted  by one of the co-chairs 

o Primary Goal – Write and review CEP goals (see below) 

3. SLT positions – New officers selected 

o Co-chairs – Sumeet Thadani, Ellen Golay 

o Secretary – Elena Gregson (today’s minutes prepared by outgoing Secretary, Matt Miller)
o Timekeeper – Michelle Dobson, Liza Gouger 

4. Primary Goal – Write and Review CEP Goals 

o CEP resides in iPlan Portal 

o All SLT members should have access and are expected to review the current CEP 

o 2020-21 Goals were written & reviewed by prior SLT 

o 4 Goals (ELA, Math, IEP – required; 1 additional goal for adding Technology – not required)
o CEP goals are supposed to align to budget – current year budget is bare minimum 

▪ Trying to obtain funding to add digital curriculum 

5. Mayoral announcement – Pre-K – 5 schools re-opening this week with the possibility of 5 days in person
o This is not a viable option at ICT site – there is not enough space; no classrooms have a max capacity > 14 or  15 

o Exploring the possibility to have a 5 day week at 6-1-1/ASD site – there should be enough space and  teachers 

▪ Currently 12 classes of 6-1-1; 7 fully remote, 5 in person 
▪ 5 in person classes can accommodate the full 6 students each for 5 days 
▪ SLT in favor of opening 6-1-1 on 5 day schedule – provides much needed consistency  

6. Teachers w/children at TCS 

o Those teaching in person have been afforded the opportunity for their children to attend 5 days per week  (~15 students) 
▪ Without this option, most would not be able to teach in person 
o Administration received some negative feedback from parents – not afforded the same opportunity
▪ Not enough space to accommodate all students @ 5 days per week 
o SLT weighed in 
▪ Small additional risk of cross contamination with these students exposed to both Cohort A and B
▪ Small additional risk due to capacity limitations
▪ The benefit of supporting teachers and enabling to continue in person/not forced to take leave  outweighs the risks

Next meeting: Wed. 1/6/21 @ 6:45pm via Google Meet

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