The Children’s School
Minutes –December 1, 2021
Meeting called to order @ 6:45pm
● Minutes from November meeting approved
New Business
● Sarah Allen (1st grade teacher) joined as a guest to talk about air circulation in classrooms along with Melanie
○ Schools w/ no mechanical ventilation need to be really on top of air purifiers
○ DOE distributed air purifiers that are not efficient
○ Purifier cubes would be really helpful in the main building at Carroll St
○ 1% positive rate at main site…very low
○ Cubes are cost efficient (no more than $175 each) and much quieter than the Intellipure filters we currently use
○ Challenges: getting people to assemble them and gathering materials quickly
○ Each cube can be used for 9-12 months before the filter needs changing
○ PTA can look into fundraising ($2,000-$3,000 estimated cost)
○ Sarah willing to try it out in her classroom
○ Anyone interested in working on this project can get in touch with Melanie
● Another parent member is needed for SLT (Tracey Ann had to drop out)
○ Next PTA meeting will announce open spot and ask for a volunteer (January)
Subcommittee Reports
● Diversity: met 11/30
○ Reviewed past work of committee
○ Focus points:
■ 1 School 1 Book
■ Roots & Community in-person (Spring)
■ Diversifying classroom libraries
● Inclusion Advisory:
○ Discussed Inclusive Schools Week (12/6-12/10)
○ Inclusion Summit
■ Student Advisory Committee working with 2 teachers (Emily and Tiffany) to contribute
■ 4th and 5th graders will be attending the summit virtually
○ Met 11/29
○ Reviewed Theory of Action document
○ 2nd & 3rd graders receiving math intervention
○ Susan Tierney providing reading intervention
○ Jackie and Doug focusing on bringing coding into classroom
○ Met 11/17
○ Students overall happy to be back in school
○ Using DESSA data to inform initiatives
○ Survey to teachers to help identify needs of students
○ Possibly inviting more parents to join SEC
Principal’s Report
● Thanks to Bridget and Barbara for spearheading SER services
● SER program begins 12/6
● Hoping to get busing in 6 weeks so kids who need to take the bus home can join program ● Attendance for kids who were in quarantine can now be marked present as long as they participated in asynchronous work
● 5th grade team and admin looking to move forward with in-person graduation ceremony in June
PTA Report
● Lice Check coming up in December
● After School expanding to include Enrichment in January
● Annual appeal launching soon
Next meeting: 1/5