July 2021 SLT Meeting Minutes 


New members were introduced to the SLT including: 


Traciann Hill 

Melanie Goldberg 

Luisa Paningbatan 

UFT Representative: 

Jenine Joslin 

Agreed that the date of the next SLT meeting would be Wednesday, September 22 to avoid September holidays. Starting in October, we will resume our regular schedule of the first Wednesday of the month. All agreed that the 6:45 pm virtual meeting worked well for schedules. 

Subcommittees did not meet over the summer. 

Principal’s Report 

● Preparing for the fall 

○ The school has not received much guidance on plans for the fall, so they are operating with what has been shared publicly. 

○ Letters are going out this week with student class placements 

○ Hired another social worker to help support the social-emotional needs during this challenging times 

○ There will be 2 air purifiers per classroom. 

○ Preparations are being made for remote instruction if/when it may be necessary 

○ The school day hours will be 8:10am – 2:30pm 

○ Parent-teacher conferences will remain remote 

● Hiring a new Assistant Principal 

○ A job posting is out to replace Rosa Perez-Leonetti, who retired last year. Interviews will happen this fall and will include the SLT. 

PTA Report 

● Afterschool will be offered at the ICT site for a limited number of children this fall. There will be no enrichment classes until January at the earliest. 

● PTA is working on planning its usual slate of events. 

○ New Family Picnic is scheduled for September 18 

○ Work is underway to plan Movie Night, Pizza Friday, and Roots and Community 

Plan for Next Meeting 

● Determine subcommittee membership 

● Determine SLT secretary and SLT co-chair

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