On March 15, 2017 the School Leadership Team of The Children’s School (“The SLT”) held its regular meeting in the science room at 7:30am.
The following members of the SLT were present:
The following individuals participated as guests at the meeting:
- Yvette Agas-Bautz, Parent Coordinator
- Bridget Nash, assistant principal, special education
The following matters were discussed:
Approval of Minutes:
The SLT approved the minutes from the February regular meeting.
CEP Planning Update
The SLT had to cancel the planned March 7 meeting to discuss the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) goals for the school because many members could not attend. Due to the difficulty of convening in the summer, Principal Amato emphasized the need to begin planning now for the next CEP. The SLT agreed to schedule a special meeting to begin assessing school needs with a view towards crafting CEP goals on April 5, 2017 at 7:30am.
In preparation for this meeting, Ms. Amato recommended that SLT members review the Department of Education’s (DOE’s) Framework for Great Schools, statistics on DOE’s School Portals webpage for the school (http://schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/15/K372/default.htm), and data from the diversity admissions pilot.
UFT Update
If the interest of time, Michael O’Neill did not offer a UFT update.
PTA Update
Nina Crews presented the PTA update. The upcoming auction will take place on March 18, 7:30pm at Littlefield. Items for auction may be viewed online.
The Readathon was a success. There was a 60% participation rate among students, which the largest numbers of participants in grades 1- 3. The emphasis was on participation, rather than the fundraising. About $2000 raised will go to the librarians to use in the library. Much of the rest will go to classroom libraries.
The next PTA meeting is April 26 with a morning meeting at the ASD site (8:30am) and an evening meeting at the Carroll Street location (6:00pm).
Committee Updates
Diversity Committee.
Shari Zisman provided an update from the diversity committee and reported a meeting to occur the following day for the committee to plan outreach efforts. The committee had a very successful meeting on February 16, 2017, in which the committee agreed to focus its energies on outreach. A pre-K parent has volunteered to lead the buddy-system program. Ms. Amato agreed to work with the committee to provide data necessary for the outreach efforts.
Social Emotional Committee:
Mr. O’Neill provided an update on the Social Emotional Committee. Spirit Day was a success. The committee is looking forward to Down Syndrome Day on April 21, World Autism Day, and a Wacky Clothing Day.
Wellness Committee:
Paula Szuchman presented an update from the Wellness Committee. Ms. Amato has located space for a refrigerator and moved the cabinets for snacks. , After School Registrar Janine DiLorenzo is looking into information about the DOE afterschool snack program, including its cost. Ms. Szuchman will set another meeting soon using Konstella.
Principal’s Update
Ms. Amato presented the principal’s update. Ms. Amato is overseeing many changes in the appearance of the school. Individual rooms have been repainted light blue. The PTA sponsored picture frames that allow student artwork to be easily displayed and rotated. There will be a new sign and directory on the façade of the school soon.
Additionally, Ms. Amato is rearranging the location of classrooms such that first and second grade classrooms will be located on the first floor of the building. Fourth and fifth grade classrooms will be on the upper floors. DOE will pay to have movers move the classrooms.
Ms. Amato is working with the Undoing Racism Committee to have the organization Border Crossers come into the school on June 8, 2017 to lead a session for the school.
Ms. Amato called the meeting to a close at approximately 8:30am.