SLT Agenda


October 17, 2018


Meeting commenced at 7:40 AM.


  1. Approval of Minutes 9/26/18
  • Passed unanimously


  1. Review of Bylaws.
  • Need changes to Mission & Vision due to change in Principal’s Advisory
  • “discouraging” language removed re: teacher-parents running for SLT.
  • Does “offsite” equal “ASD site”? Yes.
  • Housekeeping concerning official list of SLT members.
  • Term Limits: No need, not an issue.
  • Delete Section 1.2.
  • Committees to insert reports a week prior to upcoming SLT meeting.
  • Szuchman to update Bylaws with proposed changes and circulate to SLT. Proposed changes to be voted on at November meeting.


  1. Diversity Committee
  • Met 3 weeks ago, preparing for Roots & Community on November 3.


  1. Principal’s Update
  • Chancellor visiting school tomorrow 10/18/18. Will meet with some teachers, talk about reading in general and dyslexia awareness month. Will show some activities at school, provide kudos to PTA, included all events being free.
  • Local State Assembly member will also be here.
  • On Quality Review list. R. Amato will work with VPs to ensure compliance. Long time since The Children’s School has been subject to a Quality Review. Based on 10 indicators. Asking for ASD site to be reviewed as well.


  1. Committees
  • All SLT members should be on a committee.
  • Committees are presently: Diversity; Social & Emotional; and CEP.
  • Proposal to discuss what committees to have at next meeting.


  1. Student Council
  • Doing blind elections. Teachers will read essays without revealing the author. Kids vote on essay. One representative per class, with 2 other delegates.


Meeting concluded at 8:30 AM.


Date of next meeting: November 21, 2018.

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