On Sept. 20 the School Leadership Team of The Children’s School (“The SLT”) held its regular meeting at 7:30am.
- Introductions for first meeting of the year
- Schedule of 3rd Wednesday each month is approved. One meeting may conflict with Spring Break and will be rescheduled.
- Review/Approval of proposed bylaws – Approved last year; will be re-visited during the year based on the upcoming Principal’s Advisory
- Approval of previous minutes: The minutes for June 2017 were approved during a July meeting of the SLT. Minutes pending for July 2017.
- PS 372 continues to run a full summer program. Special programs, such as swimming for 2nd Grade will continue
- New policy enhancements this year
- Previous guidelines are being reviewed for formal publishing as policy (Handbook and Inclusions website). There are no major changes; this is just the process of making them official policy.
- Two draft policies were shared with the SLT for review to be discussed next meeting (Homework, Cell Phone) and to be distributed to parents in October
- Electronic copies to be shared with SLT either via Konstella or Google Docs
- Additional guidelines will be discussed for conversion to formal policy as the year continues
- This year we have new teachers, new teacher pairings and new classroom locations for some teachers
- Lower grades moved to first floor; 5th grade moved to 3rd floor
- The staff is adjusting well to these changes.
- Welcome breakfast the first day of school in the Big Yard at 372 and in front of PS 372 @ MS113 (formerly referred to as ASD site).
- It was nice to move to the big yard from the sidewalk.
- There were brief announcements of upcoming events
- There is ongoing outreach to add new families. The focus is positive and fun to try to interest families of Pre-K and K students with the eye on ongoing participation beyond this year.
- The new families picnic was held in the big yard with a potluck lunch. There was a nice turnout.
- Forms for 1st Lice Check have gone home
- Shayna will continue to run our lice check program, but will be unable to do so for the 1st check this year due to a conflict with a holiday.
- 1st big event is Roots in the Community on 10/21. We are looking for more parent involvement
- Executive Board meetings were changed to the 1st Thursday of each month to occur ahead of the general PTA meeting and the monthly SLT meeting.
- Held in the teachers’ lounge
- The PTA is looking for 2 new Executive Board members
- MS113 site rep – PTA members to visit site on 9/26
- New family – Parents of a Pre-K or K student; looking for ongoing involvement beyond this year
- Additional Welcome breakfasts from the school to be held to introduce parents to related service providers
- 9/26 @ MS113
- 9/27 @ PS 372
- Curriculum conferences will now be held during the day since the move away from the repurposed school day.
- To be completed by 9/29
- Other such conferences/meetings to be held during the day this year
- 70-80% active family participation is this year’s goal.
- At the next PTA meeting, each member was asked to bring 1 recruit
- Some incentives may be added (i.e. award for Best Class Participation, more recognition of parent involvement, etc.)
- Meetings will be alternated between mornings and evenings.
- Schedule forthcoming
- We will be continuing the pilot policy of reserving 1/3 of the lottery seats for students in City Housing and/or who are eligible for Free Lunch.
- Teachers report increased diversity in the classrooms
- Data to be provided to gauge the success of the policy
- This committee will be chaired by Bridget Nash.
- Children first; building spirit
- This committee will expand to include 4th and 5th grade students in an effort to increase student involvement in activities and include more student input in planning
- Possibility of adding a student council w/4th and 5th grade students
- Suggestion to change the name back to its origin of Social-Emotional Community Building Committee
- In-line with the upcoming Community Sing (Fri. 9/29)
- 10/11 – Planned program with an outside organization around an anti-bullying campaign: Be an upstander, not a bystander, Based on the book Wonder, by R. J. Palacio
- There was very little participation last year
- Much more parent involvement needed
- The long-term goal is a set of school-wide guidelines for Health and Wellness
- Holistic approach to improving mind and body
- Not just about food choice
- Includes activities such as meditation and physical activities
- There is DOE support through a Wellness initiative
- Will work with faculty to develop/expand programs for inclusion in classrooms (i.e. quiet space, Zen
- chair, cozy corner, etc.)
- Working with Food Services to add a salad bar for school lunch at PS 372
- Kickoff meeting is Oct 18 at 8:30 in cafeteria.
- Yvette circulating info and backpacking flier
- A rep from the DOE office of wellness will join – her name is Tina Kim.
Committee Updates
Diversity Committee Update:
Social-Emotional Committee Update:
Wellness Committee Update:
Would love if Bridget could join, too. Is there a teacher to invite who would be free at that time? Would LOVE to have reps from staff and faculty given the doe rep Tina Kim is coming, and to show schoolwide support.
- Suggestion to add a CEP committee for ongoing review of the CEP
- Members would attend citywide events directed at CEP; SLT, etc.
Principal Update:
UFT Update:
PTA Update:
CEP Committee: