The Children’s School


Minutes – September 26, 2018


Meeting called to order @ 7:40 AM



  • Chris Fladgate is not in attendance today
  • David Nielsen has stepped down. To replace him is Dustin Abbate.  Dustin and Ben Crum had equal number of votes but Ben decided that he did not want to participate.
  • Matt Miller and Chris Fladgate will be co-secretaries.
  • Jessica Magaldi and Paula Szuchman will be our Co-Chairs
  • All notes will be published on



Review of Committees:


All members must participate in a committee. 

  • Diversity Committee
    • Bring people to our community
    • Discuss changes in Middle School Admissions
    • More communication between Undoing Racism and Diversity committees


  • Wellness and Social Emotional
    • This is geared towards the students
      • Plan school culture events
      • Work with Student Council to plan children focused events
      • Plan School wide Wellness events
      • Apply for grants.
    • CEP
      • Explanation of the CEP or Comprehensive Education Plan. It is created in June and it speaks to the Chancellor’s goals.  The CEP must be aligned to the Framework for Great Schools.   The committee reviews the goals and loos at data points during the year to measure success.  The CEP is on the DOE 372K school website.  All schools have a CEP, they are public and can be found on the DOE website. 
    • Parents would like to see Gender Equity and Inclusivity included in the committees listed above. The Wellness committee has accessed resources from Jared Fox’s office at the Department of Education to support this goal
    • Each committee is to develop their own Mission Statement
    • We need a clear vision of our committees and what falls under each committee. Once Mission and Vision are clear we can share with the committee at large. 




Principal Update:

  • The bylaws will be scanned to the group.
  • Go to and become familiar with the Chancellor’s Regulations around the SLT
  • We need to plan evening meetings. A doodle pool will be sent around for potential days and times. 
  • Meetings can be in addition or in lieu of already scheduled morning meetings
  • Read the bylaws and then ask questions


UFT Update:



PTA Update:


Committee Updates


Diversity Committee:


Social-Emotional Community Building Committee:


Wellness Committee:



Meeting ended: 8:30 AM.

Date of Next Meeting: October 17, 2018.


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