The Children’s School
School Leadership Team (SLT) Minutes: April 6, 2022
Meeting called to order at 6:45 pm

  1. Approval of Minutes from March SLT meeting
  2. PTA’s Report
  3. Agenda Items
  4. Subcommittee reports
  5. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  6. CEP/Math and Science
  7. Social Emotional
  8. Principal’s Report
  9. Graduation, Mask wearing, field day
  10. Essential for Living – curriculum considered for Adelphi Street
  11. CEP progress
  12. Create Agenda for Next Meeting
    PTA’s Report:
     There was excellent attendance at Movie Night on April 1 and the Graduation
    Committee raised more than $1,000 for this year’s graduation
     Roots & Community will be happening in person this year! Details: Saturday May 21, 1-
    4pm (location: big yard, rain location: Gym)@ 512 Carroll Street. Sign up sheet for
     PTA will be organizing a trip to a Mets game on Saturday, May 28 (Mets vs. Phillies,
    Fireworks Night), more info coming soon
     Pizza parties will be happening for all the classes that achieved 100% participation in the
    Read-A-Thon. Congratulations and happy pizza eating!
     There will be T-shirts for Field Day, which will be happening in person this year (May 17-
    Subcommittee Reports:
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
     Welcome Tony!
     Lee and Low books are in classroom libraries
     K needs Scholastic books for libraries
     Ideas about how to raise awareness about school across District 15/enrollment
    o transportation/bussing issues (ie no busses currently for after school) hinder
    families living farther away
    o Increase outreach to Gowanus neighborhood preschools, 3Ks, 4Ks
    o School videos for both sites are now on website so families can see what TCS is
    like inside

 Is it possible to make a video in Spanish/other languages?
 how to widen access to/awareness of videos– social media? Show at
neighborhood events?
 Ex from middle school videos: 
 Charles O Dewey (MS 136) Middle School Open House video

o Invite people who worked on raising awareness in past years to next SLT DEI
Committee meeting to learn from their work

 Discussion of Integrate NYC Data
o Comparison of D75/D15 across variables
o TCS goals
CEP / Math & Science
 Word Problem of the week has restarted and are posted around the building. We have
seen/heard students engage with the problems. Will create an interactive problem
board at Adelphi Street. 
 Continuing to plan for May Math Madness when the answers to problems will spell out
the answer to a riddle or share a message 
 Jenine reported on Reflex Math. Teachers felt a dip in engagement but then students
showed excitement again. Positive progress is being reported as evidenced by the
 IEP reviews are starting again. Ms. Barbara conducted the first round. Now that these
are occurring again we can start to look at our IEP CEP goal – although data will be
 At Adelphi we are looking at Essentials for Living as a curriculum change for our Middle
School Students in 6:1:1 classrooms. The program is driven by ABA methodologies
and would provide great guidance in supporting transition skills. 
Social Emotional
 Barbara dressed up as Spot, the school mascot during St Patrick’s Day and visited
 There was not enough time and capacity to organize the First Responders event in
March. We are recommending that First Responders Day to change to a Community
Helpers (and include more community roles such as sanitation workers, etc.) event to
happen in the fall and to have adequate planning time.
 The committee will recommend a list of Spirit Days after the math assessment
happening end of April for May and June.
 Discussed capacity issues for members of this committee. Happy to support but difficult
to lead and organize big events.
 Is there a possibility for the PTA to sponsor a family/community event with a carnival or
outdoor dance party in the spring to bring families back in the school community?

Principal’s Report
 Welcome Emily Stutts! New teacher representative on the SLT
 One School, One Book event on April 6: Lailah’s Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story by Reem
Faruqi was a great success and brought the school community together.
 During Ramadan, older students who were fasting were able to help with PreK and
kindergarten classes during their lunch hours
 Field Day will be happening in person this year! For Carroll Street students, it will be at J.
J. Byrne. Grades K-3 on May 17, Grades 3-5 on May 18. T-shirts from the PTA and an
appearance by Spot!
 For students at Adelphi Street, date and details TBA
 Latest masking guidance: PreK students and staff will continue to wear masks in the
school building. Still following cases but fewer cases in both buildings this month.
 The student musical will be back this year: Aladdin. More info coming soon.
 Summer School will be beginning on July 5 and run through August 12 from 8am to
2:30pm. More information about Summer Rising (and possibility of an afterschool
program) will be coming soon.
 Students have started to eat in the cafeteria again—there are more tables to allow for
social distancing, full service including salad bar and hot food is back.
 There have been three open houses held so far, with 60 parents attending each one
 There is the possibility of a virtual town hall event soon
Essential for Living:
 Amy Todorova from TCS Adelphi Street joined Rosa in presenting details regarding
Essential for Living
 TCS looking into Essential for Living curriculum for Adelphi Street site, for middle school
students. Emphasizes functional living skills and transitional skills support.
 Would provide a unifying program that could be individualized for each student
 TCS have visited other schools using the program to observe how it is working.
 Cost to the school would be approximately $77,000, would have to fundraise.
Bike to School Day (May 4):
 Emily presented information about “Bike to School Day” on May 4, encouraging kiddos
from both sites to bike, scoot, or walk to school that day. So far 28 families have signed
Inclusion Advisory Group:
 Meets every month, addressing the inclusion of students with disabilities particularly at
the older grade levels

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