Save-the-Monarch Movement Gains Momentum, Thanks, In Part, to Class 2-2

The pilot program, Growing A Wild Brooklyn & Queens, which includes 2-2 and 11 other local classes, just got a big boost! U.S. Fish and Wildlife pledged 2 million dollars toward the National Wildlife Federation efforts to help rescue Monarch butterflies via schools. Click here to see the NBC Nightly News segment featuring PS 179

Caterpillar Sighting!

  This guy was spotted Friday, June 13th, chowing down on our dill.  Dill is a host plant for black swallowtail butterflies.  With any luck, this caterpillar will one day turn into a black swallowtail. You may remember that we got butterfly-friendly plants from Butterfly Project NYC in May.  Look for black swallowtails feeding off

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