Tuesday, May 21. 6-8pm. NY-GPS Parent Meeting at Brooklyn Borough Hall. The goal of this event sponsored by New Yorkers for Great Public Schools (NY-GPS) is to connect parents and to provide information on educational issues. www.nygps.org
Tuesday, May 28th, 3:30pm. NY-GPS Mayoral Debate.
New Yorkers for Great Public Schools invites you to a debate on education between leading Democratic candidates for Mayor: Bill Thompson, Christine Quinn, Bill DeBlasio and John Liu! May 28th, 3:30pm at the NYU Kimmel Center . http://eduelection.eventbrite.com/#
Friday May 31st-June 2nd. NYCPublic’s Design/Hackathon at the Brooklyn Public Library. This event will help NYCPublic create an online application to help public school parents connect, build expertise and advocate for the quality education. Nycpublic.org