A huge THANK YOU to all of the students and families and teachers who came and supported our Book Fair and made it a great success. Community Bookstore provided us with a wonderful selection of books and students at both sites had a great time shopping. Thanks in part to PTA sponsorships, every child in our school went home with a new book to read. Thank you to our amazing teachers for bringing their classes to the Book Fair and also for creating Wish Lists for their classrooms. We would also like to thank all of the parents who generously purchased books from those Wish Lists. Many of our classrooms and our library now have great new titles for children to read.

We would like to thank Ms. Megan, Ms. Sandi, KING and the PS 372 Enrichment program for letting the Book Fair take over the stage for a few days. Thank you to Tony, Jose and Michael for setting up the tables on the stage. And, finally, thank you to Jessica Miksis & Matthew Elblonk for organizing this year’s fair and to all of our tireless volunteers who helped set up, assist customers, sell books, straighten inventory, and pack up.  




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