Caterpillar Is Ready for His Close-UpWe’re happy to report that the school garden has been awarded two new grants over the past two months!

1) Gearing Up Youth for National Environment Education Week $2500. for a “Caterpillar Cam” that will help students at both sites observe remotely insects in the garden. (See grant application here.)

2) Nature Conservancy’s Nature Works Everywhere $2500. to build a rainwater catchment system to irrigate the new pollinator-friendly planters on Denton Place. This system will be incorporated into the water conservation aspect of the science curricuTarget for storm water catchment?lum for 4th and 5th graders. (To see the application text, click here.) This year, PS 372’s garden has been awarded $7250. total, including
$2000. from Grow to Learn (January 2014) and $250. from Eco-Schools + The National Wildlife Federation (August 2014). This, in addition to significant donations of labor and materials and other crucial resources from Cub Craft, Butterfly ProjectNYC, and Gotham Greens.

What a great first year for the garden! We’re fortunate to have so much external and internal funding and support. Thanks for yours!


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