The P.T.A. held its regular meeting on February 13th in the cafeteria.

Welcome – Jessica & Merideth – PTA Co-Presidents

Recent Events – Thank yous to hard-working parents and teachers who organized

  • Arts & Science Day – Sarah C., Peter & Liza
  • Valentine’s Day Dance – Michelle & Scotte

Readathon – Jessica & Merideth

  • Tally Day is tomorrow, remember to send in children’s reading logs
  • Milestone minute achievers getting new style badges that hang on backpacks
  • Keep asking for sponsors to support our kids reading efforts
  • Great opportunity for kids to be involved in fundraising for our school

Wellness Committee – Paula Szuchman

  • Held first ever fair in Spring 2018
    • Focused on healthy food, healthy bodies, healthy minds
  • Meditation training – 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades
    • Scheduled around standardized testing time
  • Survey today – please let us know what you are most interested in focusing on

Principal’s Update – Rosa A.

  • Has anyone here heard of a problem from their kids about the cafeteria running short of hot food?
    • We’re following up on a complaint and trying to track down the problem
    • Cafeteria doesn’t see the problem, so we’re reaching out to families
  • We’re on the list for complete lead testing once again.
    • They run tests around 2-3am after water is sitting for 6-8 hours
    • Tony flushes our pipes post-holidays and Monday mornings
  • Some parents have expressed concern about too much sugar at class parties, so we’re letting parents and teachers know that they can opt out
  • 5th Grade studios are restarting for Spring and 4th Grade’s are starting now.
  • Student Ratios in our classrooms – still working to resolve the problem
    • Dist. 15 Superintendent is aware of the problem
    • We might get assigned a Dist. 15 enrollment officer

Parent Coordinator’s Update – Yvette

  • Younger siblings who need PreK spots need to apply now, talk to Yvette for more information if you have questions
  • After-school late-pickup recently clogged with students who think their plans have changed from their standard After-school or Enrichment programs.
    • Please send notes with your children when dismissal plans change
    • Without notes, we will continue to send them to their standard after school programs
    • We can fetch the kids from After-school if you need to pick them up earlier than usual

Auction/Gala – Sarah G.

  • April 5th at Littlefield – theme is “Life’s a Beach!”
  • We need donations to be auctioned off and sponsors – talk to businesses that you regularly deal with
  • Donations that sell well are tickets, vacation homes, gift certificates, experiences, Disney discounts, etc.

One School, One Book – Scotte

  • Great program that needs more parents to get involved – meeting 3:15 today
  • December – Benji the Bad Day & Me
  • January – Every Month is a New Year
  • February – I, Too, am America
  • March – two books – In Her Hands & Dream Drum Girl
  • Recently received a $25,000 grant for books and training (go Ms. Ina!)

Treasurer Report – Desiree

  • Annual Appeal has raised $32,000 so far with 29 percent participation of students
  • Pizza Friday – second session money still arriving, hard to estimate if we’re reaching our fundraising target
  • Readathon – sponsorships are important – reach out to friends, family, etc.
  • Auction/Gala – coming in April – please buy tickets and bid on auction items to support our school

Upcoming Events

2/14 Mid-month Tally Day for Readathon

2/15 Author visit by Nick Bruel – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Graders

3/1 Families as Partners – in classrooms after drop-off

3/8 Final Tally Day for Readathon

3/13 March P.T.A. Meeting – in Cafeteria @ 8:30am

Attendees: 14

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