The P.T.A. held its regular meeting on Jan. 9th in the cafeteria.
Welcome – Jessica & Merideth – PTA Co-Presidents
Review/Recent Events – Jessica & Merideth
- Nets Game in December was a fun school outing.
- Thanks to Joe Peng for all his help
- Also thanks to Ian and Liza for coordinating all the details for the P.T.A.
Principal’s Update – Ms. Rosa A.
- Report on the Soil Testing
- Based on samples taken in June when trench was dug across the Big Yard for the PA system project.
- All soil has since been recovered with asphalt, as planned.
- No soil is exposed, so there is no current danger.
- Report will be taken into account whenever new construction is planned to handle the high metal levels appropriately.
- New counselor has been hired – Jennifer – returning us to full staffing levels
- Banana Splits and Social Groups will be restarting soon
- Evacuation
- We have been looking into ways that we can contact parents in case of an emergency, like the evacuation.
- We are not permitted by the city to contact parents as the situation is developing, must wait for official communication from city coordinator
- Because early information without detail or incorrect detail isn’t helpful
- Looking into additional system that could send text messages to parents who are not on email.
- Filling General Education seats in upper grades
- We are so well known for Special Education students, that we can be overlooked for General Education students. Working with District on this.
Parent Coordinator Announcements – Yvette
- PreK transitioning to Kindergarten – Parents need to sign up on D.O.E. site by Mon. 1/14
- If there are siblings of current students who will be starting in PreK or K next Fall, please make sure you let us know by completing the Sibling Application, check our office.
- Lost and Found – last call before the large pile of clothing, boots and lunch gear gets donated to a local charity. Please come check for any items your family may be missing.
Technology Program – Mr. Doug
- Money for Tech – three sources help fund the technology we use in school
- School Budget – very variable
- Reso A – Capital Grants from City Council/Borough President
- P.T.A. sets aside money each year that gets saved up for major purchase every three to four years.
- P.T.A. funds needed for ChromeBooks and iPads, can’t use city money for them.
- Each Classroom has basic setup
- Two desktops
- One laptop
- Smartboard – multimedia increases engagement
- Two to four iPads
- Classroom camera/video
- Intervention programs: Lexia, Fast Math, etc.
- Problems With Tech
- Engagement vs. Distractions
- Another layer of Cognitive Effort
- More screens means less tactile, hands-on
- Burden of Typing
- Intro to internet/email
- Filters
- Supervision in Class
- Supervision of Writing/Email
- Idea is to make mistakes in a controlled, protected environment with email/internet before getting exposed to entire internet.
- Lower Grade – Focus on Engagement and Intervention
- Photos & videos
- Presentations
- Upper Grades
- 3rd Grade – cart of Chromebooks shared by all three classes
- 4th & 5th Grades – each kid has own ChromeBook
- Technology pushes into Social Studies
- Not focus on coding, but on aiding curriculum
- If you primarily use iPads at home, best to download Google apps: Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. rather than using web version.
- No homework assigned, but can continue work on project at home
Street Safety – Transportation Alternatives – Families for Safe Streets
- Worked hard to get city speed limit lowered – successful 2 year fight
- Statistics about motor vehicle crash dangers to pedestrians and bicyclists
- Driver error is cause of 90 percent of crashes
- Speeding
- Failure to Yield
- Vision Zero – data driven approach to eliminate all traffic deaths by 2024
- 3 ways to make streets safer – 3 E’s
- Engineering
- Education
- Enforcement
- Speed Safety Cameras in School Zones
- Program reimplemented recently
- $50 ticket, but no points on Driver’s License
Foley Firs – Mr. Foley
- Favorite part of the program – presenting the check = $720!
- Based on the number of families buying a tree through them this year + bonus
Treasurer’s Report – Shashin
- Revenue Sources
- $24K donated to Annual Appeal so far
- $35K from Pizza Friday
- Session 1 ends Feb 1st, second session starts soon, watch for forms
- Some people have already signed up for full year
Arts & Science Day – Peter Kerlin & Liza Gouger
- Scheduled for January 26th from noon – 4pm — free admission
- Soliciting ideas for table projects – some returning, but room for new ideas!
- Currently ideas include: Slime, Paper Airplanes, Brush Calligraphy, Printmaking, Open Mic Performers
- We need volunteers to assist at tables, as well as setup and cleanup
- Great way to get to know other kids and families
- Older teens/alums make great volunteers (some High Schools require volunteer hours)
- Food sales by Undoing Racism Committee
Book Swap/Movie Night – Kathleen Connor & Katy Crile
- Friday night 1/11/19, Swap starts at 6:15pm, Movie starts at 7pm
- Admission is free. PTA will be selling pizza, popcorn and lemonade
Valentine’s Day Dance – Michelle Dobson & Scotte Hardin
- February 9th from 5-8pm in the Gym
- Halloween in February – everyone encouraged to wear a costume!
- Whole school is invited, kids love the dance and the balloon drop
- DJ music, photo booth, face painting, teacher raffle, lots of fun
- Food sales by 5th Grade Families to raise funds for Graduation activities.
Attendees: 26 signed in