September 2021 SLT Meeting Minutes 


– Noted that there was an opening for an additional teacher representative that Jenine was going to investigate 


SLT members discussed membership on various subcommittees. Below is the list of who volunteered for each subcommittee: 


Rosa Amato 

Frank Ammirata 

Liza Gouger 

Matt Miller 

Math and Science (CEP subcommittee) 

Beth Hoff 

Jenine Joslin 

Social Emotional 

Luisa Paningbatan 

Barbara Clark 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

Melanie Goldberg 

Ellen Correia Golay 

The SLT agreed to discuss again at the next meeting and finalize subcommittee membership. 

Stay and Play Update 

Michelle Dobson provided a Stay and Play update. 

– Program smaller due to COVID restrictions – 75 kids vs 150 normally.

– Unable to offer enrichment classes currently, but offering homework help

– Kids are enjoying free playtime 

– Hope to introduce some enrichment classes in January 

– There are kids on the waitlist and they are working to get people off of the waitlist as soon as possible 

– Stay and Play is following the school’s protocol for safety. 

– There are funds for children in temporary housing to attend Stay and Play, and Michelle and Rosa were going to work together on that. 

– Unfortunately, the children at the 6-1-1 site cannot attend Stay and Play at the ICT site due to safety protocols.

Principal’s Report 

Bussing issues 

– Principal Rosa noted that bussing has been challenging this year, particularly for the 6-1-1 site where one bus repeatedly did not show up, leaving many kids without transportation. 

– It is challenging to get information from OPT and the bus companies are also not taking ownership of the problem. 

– It appears part of the bus issues were due to a shortage of bus drivers and bus matrons.

– The SLT agreed to try to escalate this problem in District-wide and city-wide forums when possible. 

Covid Cases and Protocols 

– Have had a few positive cases thus far – have had to close a classroom – Testing was beginning in the schools. 

– It was noted that there would likely be some absences when the vaccine mandate goes into effect for teachers and staff 

Hiring a new Assistant Principal 

– The job has been posted and the goal is to interview 5-6 people. 

– Will need a team of interviewers from the SLT, including UFT representatives and parents. 


– The topic of counseling came up. Rosa noted that the school has hired a second counselor to help support the children as they return to school. 

– Rosa will be starting as a Cahn Fellow and will report on her experience at future SLT meetings. 

PTA Report 

– The PTA has a planned calendar of events for the school year 

– Events will be outdoors as many as possible 

– The New Family Picnic went well. 

Next meeting is on October 6 at 6:45.

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