Attention Parents of PreK, K, and 1st Grade Students:
This year, PS 372 early-grade students planted various garden crops according to class bed assignments. For example, K-3 students started kale and beets from seed during science class and then transplanted seedlings outside according to the map (shown below). While the committee planned for crops that would be ready for harvest during the school year, we can’t predict what will be ready when.
Heads Up Please know that you may get a message from a class parent asking you to prepare Pak Choi or another crop in your student’s bed. Thank you in advance for considering cooking and or helping out in some way. In the past, class snacks made with food grown in the garden–by the students–have been very popular. Coming soon: Garlic scapes (in 1-3 and 1-2’s beds/containers); K-2’s fat radishes and some of K-3’s kale will be ready for harvest next week (June 1).
Other Opportunities to Eat School-Grown Food Volunteers offered basil on Pizza Fridays in May and October at the ICT site; K-3 used herbs in their vegetable soup and chefs from the Garden-To-Cafe program (in conjuction with the Office of School Food) will be back to prepare and serve garden-inspired snacks on Thursday June 10th. But we’ll need parents’ help preparing snacks class by class during the coming weeks. If you are game, review the map to see what your child’s class is growing* and get your recipes ready!
**if you have questions or want to get involved with the garden, email We meet most Friday mornings in the garden.