Dear families,
The Diversity Committee of the School Leadership Team is working towards a student body at The Children’s School that reflects the racial, ethnic, and economic diversity of District 15. The committee is open to all members of our school community. The co-chairs of the committee are Lisa Lewis (5th grade parent) and Steve Quester.
Our first meeting of the 2013/2014 school year will be on Monday October 7th at 7pm at Lisa’s house, 423 Atlantic Ave #1e buzzer #60, between Bond and Nevins.
on the agenda so far:
- action items to ensure the comfort and welcome of our new students
- continued recruitment, update on policy re: PS 133 – organize action to be taken….
- Whatever else folks feel we need to add
You are welcome to bring your kids, please be as close to on time as possible, we will adjourn by 8ish if at all possible because it is a school night.