Root Hill Cafe
262 4th Avenue (at Carroll Street)
Gowanus – Brooklyn
Affection for the tired, yet familiar and often beautiful. That’s what draws me to pockets of Brooklyn: Gowanus, Red Hook and Coney Island.
The rapid development in these neighborhoods, has transformed what began as my simple hobby of photographing favorite corners to an urgent need to capture that which is disappearing.
I fear the loss of places which may not be fully appreciated, but will be greatly missed. I wish to remind others how unique the light, shadows, shapes and colors are in our neighborhoods. How they connect us and make Brooklyn the small town it is. And how it will never be as it is today.
Shooting film with vintage cameras and printing large images from negatives provides a slow pace and an opportunity to savor each, as a unique moment, from start to finish. I hope these images give my neighbors the opportunity to appreciate what we have today. Stop, look.
All images are copyright Donna Schneiderman, 2012. All rights reserved.