As the year gets rolling, you will start to receive what seems like an overwhelming amount of paperwork and email from the PTA.  Almost all of it asks for money in one way or another (Games Night, Pizza Friday, Dues). So, for my first-ever PTA report for, I want to explain to you how the PTA spends its money.

The PTA provides “mini-grants” to every classroom teacher at the main site and the ASD site.  The mini-grants are used at the teachers’ discretion for things such as snacks, supplies, or trips and gives them the freedom to do what they do best, teach our children, rather than raise money themselves.  Mini-grants are also provided to all cluster teachers (Phys Ed, Science, Art), therapists, hearing and vision specialists, and psychologists so they can enhance their classes.

Money raised also goes toward special events, such as the opera production in kindergarten, first and fourth grades.  Our children experience Jazz at Lincoln Center and the Thunderbird Indian Dancers thanks to the contributions to the PTA and Lego Robotics also gets a boost from us.  PTA funds buy ice packs for the nurse, hand sanitizer for the cafeteria, and numerous scholarships for pizza, theater tickets and trips.

In short, the PTA uses its funds to pick up the slack resulting from the Department of Education’s budgeting and to enhance the learning experience for all Children’s School students.  At the same time, we hope that our fundraising events not only raise money, but also foster the great sense of community we all share at the Children’s School.

Our fundraising efforts have always been overwhelmingly successful and even when the economy went south we were able to maintain our commitments.  But the money is only part of what makes us successful.  The other part is the work of  parents who supply sweat equity for all of our events.  Mr. Artie often invokes the idea of partnership when he speaks to incoming families.  The PTA embodies this ideal through its collaboration with teachers, administrators and families.

Thanks to you all, in advance, for your continued generosity and commitment.

Please come see me any time!


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