Painted lady butterfly larvae

Painted lady butterfly larvae aka Caterpillars in a Cup

Meet our new charges, 12 painted lady larvae, who will be with us for the next 3 weeks before they transform and fly off. On their agenda:

Where will they live? Should all 3 cups stay in Kathy’s room? They can’t be in direct sunlight or their food will melt.

Caterpillar Cam: Time Warner installed cable yesterday & the DropCam is on site. Our poster to promote the live-streaming feed/ website is ready…What are the next steps?

Plant Sale:  Who is volunteering to help set up sale and sell?  More here.

Garden beds: 4th graders planted some corn this week, and many seedlings in Ms. Kathy’s room are ready to be hardened off and transplanted.

Rain barrels: Are on their way and the filter is being stashed in the upstairs science closet. Kerry’s Green Engineering class starts this week!

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