Scroll down for a description of the plants and flowers that will be sold at the Plant Sale Friday April 28th. For photos, click here. Visit the live sale during drop off and pickup at the main entrance on Carroll Street.
Begonia ‘Ambassador’ (mixed) – This series is a grower’s delight. It offers a clean, compact habit that is uniform across all colors. Extensive basal branching translates to excellent outdoor performance and a free flowering habit. Very early to bloom in the pack. Height: 12″, 10-12″ spread. Shade tolerant.
Coleus ‘Wizard’ (mixed) – Compact plants have very colorful, medium-size leaves. Wizard also works well in indoor lifestyle plant programs. Low-maintenance, uniform and basal-branching plants are late flowering, extending their landscape value. Especially suited to full sun or partial shade, with outstanding heat and humidity tolerance.
Cosmos ‘Sonata’ – Bright, colorful daisy-like blooms on tall stems with ferny leaves. Mix includes white, rose, pink, and cherry. Thrive in average soil. Tolerates poor soil, heat and drought. Height: 18-24” Color: mixed. A good plant to attract pollinators. Sun.
Dusty Miller aka Silver Dust (Senecio maritima) – Known mostly for deeply cut, silver foliage, with insignificant tiny yellow flowers. Foliage makes good contrast with green leaved annuals and perennials. Best in full sun. Withstands drought and lasts beyond frost. Height: 8-18” Color: Yellow. (Silver foliage)
African Marigold (Tagetes erecta) – Plant in full sun in average well-drained soil. Very tolerant of the urban condition. Large flowers 2-6 inches across as high as 3′ tall. Remove faded flowers, known as dead-heading, for continued flowering. Height: 24-36” Sun. Color: Yellow/orange.
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) – Very tolerant of compacted urban soils. These dwarf sun-loving annuals thrive in poor to average soil. Remove faded flower buds for continued flowering. Height: 10-12” Sun. Color: Yellow/orange/bronze.
Petunia ‘Cascade’ (mixed) – Excellent habit and good branching, More compact and 2 to 4 weeks earlier to flower than the older grandiflora doubles. Huge, 4 to 5-in. (10 to 13-cm), carnation-like flowers hold up well in inclement weather.
Salvia ‘Sally’ (red) – Salvia, with its dark green leaves and its bright bloom spikes, has long been a popular landscape plant. Along with the color selection, Salvia’s outstanding heat and drought tolerance just add to the plants landscape allure. Salvia will bloom until first frost in autumn.
Snapdragon ‘Floral carpet’ (small) – This delightful dwarf strain makes a lovely display in annual borders. Height: 8-10″; 6-8″ spread. . A good plant to attract pollinators.
Zonal Geraniums -(Pelargonium x hortorum) – Plant in full sun, sandy well-drained, organic soil. Height: 12-32” Assorted colors.
Vinca vine aka Variegated Vinca (Vinca maculata) – A fast growing trailing vine with green and white leaves and delicate violet trumpet like flowers. Can be strung over wires but will not climb surfaces. Great for window boxes Grows in full sunlight to shade. Water regularly with good drainage.
Basil “Sweet Genova” – This popular strain has large, dark green leaves with a pleasant sweet flavor, and is used for flavoring many foods, especially tomatoes and peas. Both leaves and flowers are also used fresh or dried in salads. A great choice for pesto; plants grow to about 2 ft. high
Lemon Balm – A lemon scented member of the mint family. The plant develops many branches and grows to a height of about two feet. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, oval to almost heart shaped, shiny and wrinkled with scalloped edges. Small light blue to white flowers appear in late spring through midsummer.
Calendula – An annual plant that thrives in almost any soil. It belongs to the same family as daisies, chrysanthemums, and ragweed. Its branching stems grow to a height of 30 – 60 cm, and it blooms from early spring until frost. The orange-yellow petals of the flowers are used for medicine. Calendula has high amounts of flavonoids, plant-based antioxidants, and appears to fight inflammation, viruses, and bacteria.
Coriander / Cilantro – A a dual-purpose herb, providing both deliciously pungent leaves (what we know as Cilantro) and later, citrus-scented fruits (what we know as Coriander seeds). Cilantro grows best in full sun to light afternoon shade and well- drained, porous alkaline soil. The plants adapt well to container and windowsill culture.
Dill – Does well in the full sun or part shade. Sometimes it’s called dill weed because it comes back in the herb garden if the seeds from the previous year have fallen to the ground. It can over take an herb garden area so, you can control it by plucking out the new plants you don’t want to grow to maturity. Harvesting the dill weed tops just before the flower opens gives you the best flavor.
Fennel – An aromatic perennial that grows to about five feet in height, having dark green, feathery leaves, umbels of yellow flowers, and small, ridged, oval-shaped seeds, which are gathered in the autumn. The tall stalk looks like celery and is often consumed as vegetables, while the leaves and seeds are used to flavor foods.
Lavender ‘Provence’ – This is the famed perennial azure-blossomed lavender developed in the perfume fields of southern France and cherished for its intense scent and floriferous grayish-silver spikes. Full sun, blooms in spring. Good drainage is key.
Oregano ‘Greek’ – Widely used in Italian dishes, tomato sauce, pizza, fish and salad dressing. Perennial. Likes full sun, well drained soil.
Parsley (Italian) – Biennial. Strong flavored leaves that make it the parsley associated with Italian dishes. Serrated leaves and a clean, slightly peppery taste. Its flavor is stronger than that of its ruffled cousin, curly-leaf parsley. The leaves are great fresh or dried.
Rosemary ‘Arp’- Arp is about as hardy as rosemary gets. Arp has pale blue flowers that bloom mid-summer through fall, and tease the senses with a hint of lemon fragrance. Airy green-gray foliage. Reaching 4 feet tall, Arp makes a great border or mass planting. Likes full sun, well drained soil. Can be brought indoors to overwinter.
Sage ‘Tri-colored’ – Sage Tri-color is an ornamental form of common sage that has variegated, dusty green leaves with crisp, ivory margins blushed with rosy pink. The semi-evergreen foliage will add color and interest to flower borders and containers as well as herbal borders. The leaves of the Sage Tri-color are just as flavorful and good to eat as standard sage.
Tarragon ‘French’ – French tarragon is an aromatic, clump-forming, shrubby perennial with upright, branched stems and lance-shaped, smooth, light to mid-green leaves that grow about 3″ long. It reaches a height of 2′ with an 18″ spread. French tarragon is grown for its distinctively flavored leaves. Its mint-anise taste is particularly suited to vinegar and fish. Chew on a leaf and you will feel a numbness in your tongue.
Thyme ‘English/Common’ – Essential to every herb garden, this small, upright shrub (10-15″) is the classic culinary variety. As a strong aromatic herb, it can attract a multitude of honeybees.
Eggplant ‘Black Beauty’ – 65-70 days. Black Beauty is a very well-adapted open-pollinated variety, thriving in almost every part of the country. It boasts big yields of large, glossy, delectable fruit. These large, glossy fruits are a deep purple so intense it looks black. They arise in great numbers on plants 21 to 30 inches high — you can expect a dozen or so fruits per plant.
Peppers ‘Jalapeno’ – 75 Days. An improved thick-walled Jalapeno pepper with the same fiery hot pungency. The 31⁄2′ x 1′ slightly tapered, sausage-shaped fruit are very smooth and deep green turning red. Heavy yields are produced on upright plants. Caution:Hot.
Tomato ‘Sweet 100 Cherry’ – 70 Days. This large plant yields an incredible number of the best tasting bite-sized cherry tomatoes! They’re produced in grape-like clusters, bear all season long, and get high praise for their sweetness. INDETERMINATE.
Excerpted from wholesaler, GrowNYC
Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana alata) – Clusters of fragrant trumpet shaped flowers. Plant in full sun or part shade. Tolerant of heat. Height: 10-14” Color: Mixed.