Welcome – Merideth Finn-Beers & Jessica Miksis, PTA Co-Presidents

  • Glad you could make it, we have a lot to share with you & projects to vote on
  • There are many events with the PTA at this time of year


Updates from 372 Principal –  Ms. Rosa

  • We have been doing indoor arrivals due to cold winter temperatures.
  • Info going out soon about a school-wide health-education initiative
    • K to 2nd Grade reading book Private Parts are Private and having class discussions/lessons with School Counselors. 3rd Grade prob. also.
    • 4th & 5th Grades having HIV/health lessons & discussions.
  • Student Council doing well – several projects ongoing
  • Lego Robotics – school team ranked in competition
    • Working to encourage girls in STEM activities
  • Upcoming plan for a school-wide Engineering Week


Updates from Parent Coordinator –  Ms. Yvette (Yvette.agasbautz@ps372.net)

  • All PreK students have applied for Kindergarten seats
  • 5th Grade Middle School applications – Students should be receiving interview/audition schedules. She has a master schedule, so contact her if you think you are missing information about something.
  • Counselors will be doing a coaching session this week with 5th Grade on what to expect during the interviews/auditions.
  • 4th Grade – in Spring, we will have a workshop on how Middle School application process works (3rd Grade students & families invited to attend too)
  • During indoor arrivals, please go into the Gym with your kids and wait for teachers to arrive. Unsupervised kids should not be wandering around school.


Upcoming Events

  • Lice Check Day – Daniella Townsend – come volunteer – no lice touching involved!
  • Pizza Friday – Second session starts soon. New flyer will be going home this week.
  • Arts & Science Day – Nina Crew
    • Saturday, January 27th – Gymnasium – noon – 4pm
    • Great event with lots of activity tables – kite making, roller coasters, slime!, print making, calligraphy, family music workshop, paper airplane engineering, + more
    • Many opportunities to volunteer to help at stations or with setup – asking for 5 volunteers per class – adults, teens, alumni, all welcome to come help.
  • Valentines Dance – Michelle Dobson & Scotte Hardin
    • Saturday, February 10th – Gymnasium – 5 – 8 pm
    • Great party for whole family – all the kids love it
    • Fifth Grade doing food sales as fundraiser for end of year activities
    • Balloon drop, DJ’d music all night, dancing, face painting, and more
    • Quiet room available – with ear plugs to reduce noise levels if needed
  • Read-A-Thon – Merideth & Jessica
    • Coming soon! Whole month of February. Focus on participation not ability
    • Informational flyers, Reading Logs, and Pledge Forms go home in backbacks in last week of January
    • All participants get a certificate, those who read or are read to for different milestone minute marks get buttons as prizes
    • Reaching a Minutes Read Level enters student for raffle to win prizes
    • 20% of funds raised will be used for our School Library
    • Last year funds raised enough money to update all classroom libraries and start a library for the ASD site
    • Volunteers needed to help on Tally days (middle and end of month) Sign up on Konstella
  • Auction and Gala – Rai Ariz – Coming up in April
    • It’s the only All Adult event all year!
    • Planning has begun – join the committee to help put the event together
    • Location will be off-site again – working to lock in the venue


Treasurer’s Report – Desiree Detoy (treasurer@ps372.org)

  • Annual Appeal
    • We have reached our Annual Appeal goal!
    • 25% of families participated and over $32,000 raised!
    • Both increased over last year
  • Opportunities continue throughout year for PTA fundraising and events
  • Our major fundraisers each year are Pizza Friday, Annual Appeal, Spring Gala & Auction, and – in its 2nd year – the Read-a-thon


Presentation and Vote on Spending Initiatives – Merideth & Jessica

(details in attached Agenda)

  • Air Conditioning for Cafeteria
  • Dance Mirrors for ASD site
  • Blackout curtains for Gym
  • Outdoor lighting for school yard
  • Water bottle filling stations/water fountains
  • Storage Unit for After School Program
  • All projects approved by General Meeting


One-Time Grants  – Merideth & Jessica

  • Notice for applications will be sent out in February
  • Deadline for proposals will be in March


Thank you all for coming!


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