You are invited to a MASSIVE – HUGE – PRIVATE – EXCLUSIVE – sample sale BEFORE the public attends 3 days later!
It’s scheduled for Friday April 27th in the city
Sizes include 6 months, 2,4,6,8 years of age boy & girl samples. All brand new current Spring buy now, wear now.
Tickets are $75 tickets and half of that will be donated back to The Children’s School.
The 3-4 Designers who will be selling their designs sell Barneys, Z-Baby, Yoyomart and Garnet Hill. These are high end designers and the prices for the sale are going to be LOW!
Example for all Spring Merchandise prices at sale:
Dresses $20
Spring sweaters $15
Spring jackets $25
Swim $20
Style Room
“Private Shopping Tour Experiences”
New York City