SLT meeting held on Jan. 15, 2020. Meeting called to order @ 7:30am

• November and December minutes were approved

  • Review of bylaws determined a proper quorum was in attendance
  • Debbie still objects to language about the UFT update no longer included in the agenda
    • Would like the record to state it was removed
    • Objection noted, but consensus was the updated language was acceptable

Old Business

• Continued discussion about possible return of Saturday test prep sessions

o No quorum to hold official vote; preliminary poll showed 9-2 in favor of test prep
▪ SLT vote to be taken under consideration by Administration, but it is not the SLT role to make budget decisions
▪ Future budget considerations brought before the SLT would be approached in an advisory role
$1000 to cover per session would be covered by the SAM for ILF
▪ SAM covers per diem per session and Supervisor per session

o David raised concern that money allotted for test prep could be better used elsewhere for actual instructional support

o Anecdotal evidence shared by Matt – older son found TCS test prep useful as a 3rd grader for testing strategy and logistics; curriculum is sufficiently covered during class time

• Reading Specialist – Former/retired TCS teacher C. Green hired P/T o To spend 1 day at each site

o Funding from ILF SAM
o Will work with S. Tierny to support teachers

▪ Running Records
▪ Classroom support
▪ Work 1 on 1 with student outliers

Principal Update (provided by B. Nash, filling in for R. Amato) • AIS Math starts next week (week of 1/20)

o AIS reading to begin soon
o District coaches being brought in to address literacy and Fundations

▪ Gr. K to complete 1/21

New Business
• Open Houses – Liza raised concern Open Houses have been poorly attended

o ~15 families attended December Open House
o Likely the residual effect of group tours conducted by Yvette

▪ ~24 families per week attend morning tours (3 tours/week w/ 8 families each) ▪ Families expressed desire to see the school in action
▪ Inclusions has a sign-up for tours
▪ Every tour has been full for approximately 12 weeks

▪ Tours are cheaper to maintain than Open House (less materials, no per session/OT, etc.)

▪ Will continue to provide Open House(s) to accommodate working families

PTA Update
• 2 types of events are Community Building and Fund Raising

o Community Building includes the just completed Book Swap/Movie Night (with fund raising included), lice check➔Free to students

o Fund Raising includes:
▪ Pizza Friday – Session 2 begins in February
▪ Annual appeal began – $12K raised of the $35K goal ▪ Auction – 3/27 @ Littlefields

• AC for the cafeteria is funded; work to begin soon

Topics for Next Meeting

  • More info re: special scheduling (Cheri)
  • Dyslexia screening
  • School survey results Meeting ended: 8:20am
    Date of next meeting: February 26, 2020

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