The Children’s School


Minutes – January 16, 2019


Meeting called to order @ 7:30


Guests: Kathy Price, Ben Crum, Scottie Harding



  • No quorum – November and December minutes were not approved
    • To be provided for approval at February meeting

Principal Update:

  • Recent complaint to UFT chapter that we surpassed the allowable # of IEP students in 7 classes
    • NYSED ratio is 50/50; UFT/NYC agreement 60/40 gen ed/spec ed
    • There was not an excess of SE students; some D15 students left and/or had identified needs/IEP in a couple of grades, putting class ratio out of balance
    • Action plan in place and on file with the Chancellor’s office
    • Students moved in classes as need ( 1st And 4th Gr.)
    • All teachers and students/families impacted have been consulted
    • One possible residual effect – It is possible in the future if a student in D15 receives n IEP after PK/K, they may need to be placed in another community, school
    • To help mitigate in the future, a request was made for D13,14,15,16 to consider 372 more seriously when Gen. Ed. Seats are needed for transfers


PTA Update:

  • We had successful movie night and book swap w/big turnout
  • Second lice check successfully completed
    • Upcoming events (PTA committed to all student events at the school being free admission)
    • Arts and science day upcoming; Liza Gouger, Peter Kerlin and Sarah Collins chairing event.
    • Readathon upcoming in February.
    • Valentine’s Day Dance upcoming; Scotte Hardin and Michelle Dobson chairing.
  • We sent around Konstella bulletin to teachers and families based on last SLT meeting.
  • $31k received of $35k Annual Appeal goal; 35% participation – We will do another push later in school year
  • Trying to put together a group of grant writers


Diversity Committee Update:

  • Outreach concert held at Sunset Park Library on January 5th
    • Diversity Committee Co-chair Adam Strum’s band Citystomp performed to a packed hous
    • Many Children’s School families attended and spoke to prospective families about PS372
    • Outreach volunteers from PS372, PS133 and BNS (D15 diversity pilot schools) have been speaking to families at preschools and community centers

CEP Update:

  • Reviewing Goal 5 (Parent Handbook) with Administration


Kathy Price (guest speaker) – CEC Liaison:

  • Question whether K372 is supposed to remain as a liaison school in CECD15
  • Categorized as D75 because we report to D75 Superintendent, not D15 Superintendent Anita Skop
  • Potential implications – exclusions from voting; exclusion from CECD15 equity council
  • Urges D15 families to organize and be represented; possibly attend next CECD15 meeting


Laura Mantell:

  • Request to incorporate Black History Month into curriculum
    • This is already being done
    • One Book program incorporates Black History Month and will include other communities in the future
  • Concern over D15 Science Fair
    • Parent mentioned 372 used to participate and is now excluded
    • Rose reported 372 students participate in D75 and D15 science fairs
    • Engineering week during Gr. 4 Science incorporates science projects
    • 5 Science will still display/present student projects, but no longer on the stage; new location for display not yet finalized


Wellness Committee:

  • Mindfulness in classroom
    • Refresher for 4th/5th Gr
    • Introduce to 3rd Gr + MonkeyDo Yoga
  • Wellness Day planning is underway


Meeting ended: 8:25 am


Date of next meeting: February 27, 2019 (originally scheduled for 2/20, during break)

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