Meeting called to order @ 7:40 AM



  • Unanimous approval of April and May minutes


SLT Timesheets & Elections:

  • Have been handed out and should be returned to Toniann on or before Tuesday, June 26.
  • Election results to come for this year. Paula Szuchman, Laure Mantell and David Tipson have been elected.


Parent Feedback on CEP:

  • Parents met last week. Lot of good information.
  • Administration has been working hard on the CEP.
  • Need to create a solid calendar around CEP.
  • Always an ongoing process. Rosa to comment on parent notes on CEP.
  • First draft due June 29. Second round due at beginning of September. Additional reviews in November, February and May.
  • Access to data and surveys is online.
  • Parents to schedule conference call to discuss their goal further.


Principal Update:

  • New staff SLT members: Shari Zisman, Kiyana Smith and Sharon Barone re-elected. David Nielsen, and Francis Marone elected. Debbie Finger-Gordon new UFT Chapter leader.
  • School spent money on color coded badges to be worn next year for substitute teachers, visitors etc.
  • Discussion around production of school handbook/resource guide. PTA can probably provide funds, but not resources to create this document.
  • All SLT parents should serve on a committee.
  • Principals’ advisory committee re-wrote philosophy and mission statement of school – to be provided to teachers. States CEP goals and how they are being met.
  • New hiring committee: group of teachers and Rosa Perez Leonetti review and interview. Hired 2 paraprofessionals who have completed their training and certification. New teacher in Kindergarten. Teacher offered position in Pre-K. ASD STEM position has been offered. New 5th grade teacher.
  • Teachers retiring, going on child care leave, one going to another school. About 7 positions to fill. More than usual.


UFT Update:


PTA Update:


Committee Updates


Diversity Committee:

  • No report.


Social-Emotional Community Building Committee:

  • No report.


Wellness Committee:


Meeting ended: 8:30 AM.

Date of Next Meeting: July 18, 2018.

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