Meeting called to order @ 7:00 pm


  • Sumeet and Debbie joined for the first time
  • Minutes from 2/6 approved

New Business

  • We discussed our responses to the SLT webinar questions
  • Rosa has designated the 1st Wednesday of every month as the day for family office hours with admin
    • Trying to find balance between too much and too little communication
    • Checking in with parents to see how they are doing
    • Inquiring about isolation of kids who are full remote
  • Snow Days
    • Kids would benefit from snow days being very light and simple
    • Suggestion for teachers to provide asynchronous learning activities on snow days
    • SEC can look into asking teachers to scale back on snow days
  • AIS
    • Extra support for students starting beginning of March
    • Funding for AIS positions come from Instructional Leader Funding
  • Other emerging student needs:
    • 5-6 children currently in temporary housing
    • We have funding to help support those families
  • Proposals to change by-laws:
    • Change time of meeting from AM to PM (virtual because of pandemic)
    • Suggesting an option for members to join virtually when we go back to in-person meetings
  • Committees:
    • Debbie added to Social-Emotional Committee
    • Committees should decide on lead person, agenda, etc.
    • Alexis is now just on the Diversity Equity Committee
    • Sub-committee meetings should be set up via email ASAP

Principal’s Report

  • Can we bring more students back 5 days a week?
    • Priority: D75 Pre-k students/ELLs/kids in temporary housing
    • 3rd graders are already back 5x a week
    • Things to consider: 60/40 ratio in classes, space, hiring subs, restructuring of existing classes
  • Can we bring back other grades as we did with 3rd?

PTA Report

  • Virtual Book Fair through end of February
  • Read-a-Thon is going on until end of the month

Next meeting: Wednesday, 3/3/21 26:45pm

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