Does this flower look familiar?

  If you were part of the 2-2 community for the 2014-2015, you may remember seeing this species of primrose, during our class trip to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in October 2014. As part of Growing A Wild Brooklyn & Queens, a pilot program to help restore the Monarch butterfly habitat, we visited the plants in the park

What It’s Like to Step Up Seedlings

As a bonus, Ranger Michelle came back to class in early April to help 2-2 prep plants for transplant. In May, the students will return to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge with the milkweed, primrose and clover plants that they raised from seeds in their classroom. –Denise Maher Related:  Scenes from a Butterfly Program;    Wild Team

WILD Team Brings Botany to Class 2-2

[slideshow_deploy id=’10575′] This February, Michelle and Michael from the National Parks Dept brought a bunch of native plant seeds to this 2nd-grade classroom. See the students learn how to scarify and sow the seeds that were collected from Gateway National Park in October. As part of the Growing a Wild Brooklyn & Queens program, class 2-2

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