Winter Fest’s Zero Waste Dream

The PS372 community leapt closer to sustainability with the recycling effort at the first ever Green Winter Fest. Thanks to the enthusiasm, patience and open-minded attitudes, the leadership of the science teachers, a PTA water bottle ban and committed student rangers, we saw serious achievement.

Real Results   Hundreds attended and performed at the Celebration of Our Diversity, yet we sent just two bags of trash to the landfill. That’s because our sorting efforts diverted recyclables and compost from the landfill. In fact, we salvaged

  • 3 full bags of paper and cardboard
  • 2 compost bins and
  • 2 bags packed full of plastic, metal and cartons.

ISO Gently-Used Dresser


The ASD site needs a drawer set like this to store gently-used clothes.

WANTED: The ASD site needs a drawer set like this to store gently-used clothes.


Do you have an extra dresser at home?

It doesn’t have to be red, but it does have to be in good working order and roughly this size. We’re looking for a gently-used chest of drawers to store and organize donated clothing at the ASD site. Dimensions of this IKEA item are 42 1/2×37 3/8 “. To arrange to donate a set of drawers, send a note to, please.

Teachers, staff & families…Are you looking for an upcycled item or used furniture for your classroom or your students? Send requests to the green community board via email to . Thank you. –The Green Team

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