Planting Basil SIPs: A Science Day Project

On Saturday, 1.24, garden committee members will help  students plant basil seeds in a sub-irrigated planter made from empty plastic water bottles. Step 1: Using a scissor or other cutting utensil, create 1-3 puncture holes in top of the bottle. Step 2: Cut bottle in half. Remove cap. **Science Day Activity Starts Here! Adults will

Garden Committee Meets Friday 1.23, 8:30am in the Cafe

The next garden committee meeting is Friday morning, January 23rd. We’ll discuss the incoming grow lights, demo the sub-irrigated planter project for Science Day, the Nature Works Everywhere Grant program, and other upcoming Grow To Learn events and giveaways.  All community members are welcome!  Learn more about what’s going on by joining the online discussion

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