Dear New and Returning Families:
Welcome (back) to the Children’s School! On behalf of the PTA, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to all students and their families and provide you with information on some upcoming school events and opportunities. Participating in these activities is a great way to get to know the teachers, staff, and fellow parents/caregivers who form such a wonderful and caring community around our children.
Please regularly check the PS 372 website ( for official school information. For PTA news and related information, see Inclusions (
PTA Meetings: Please come to our monthly PTA meetings to catch up on important news, as well as participate in open discussions and vote on agenda items. We will have a meet-and-greet at our first meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 18th at 8:30 am in the cafeteria. Fall Meeting Schedule: 9/18 @ 8:30am; 10/23 @ 6:00pm (pizza & childcare provided); 11/20 @ 8:30am
Family Fridays: On the first Friday of every month, parents/caregivers may visit the classrooms from 8:20-9:00am to do activities (reading, math or specials) with the children.
Class Parents: Each class needs at least 2-3 parent volunteers to help out as needed in the classrooms and with other classroom-related PTA items during the year. Look for a sign-up sheet posted outside of your child’s class or send your name, child’s name & class, your email address & phone number to our Class Parent Liaisons, Rachel Aylward and Marianne Macias Itak at YOU CAN ALSO SIGN UP ONLINE HERE:
Lice Check: First of 3 school-wide lice checks will be September 30th. Volunteer recruitment to follow.
Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser: Check out the stick-on, laundry-safe (no iron needed) clothing tag mates and shoe labels plus many others. Customize them with fun colors, designs or simple palettes. There are also great items to ensure allergy awareness. Now through 10/31 http://www.ps372.mabelslabels.
Brooklyn Boulders Fundraiser/Community Event: Save the date of Saturday, October 5th (time tbd: late-afternoon/eve) for a discounted family climb with proceeds going to benefit our school! Details and volunteer recruitment to follow.
There will also be many more exciting events throughout the year. Volunteers will be recruited for many of the events, so stay tuned for further opportunities to get involved. Please feel free to contact us with questions, or just stop by to say hello (we’re in the Family Office, across from the school secretaries’ office).
With sincere best wishes for a great year,
Lucia Burns and Denise Gottwald