Dear Families,
We would like to welcome new students and their families to The Children’s School. We are thrilled that your child will be attending our wonderful school in the fall !!!
There will be a picnic for new students and their families the weekend after school starts as well as orientation meetings in the first few days of school. Please save the dates. Below is more detailed information:
Picnic for New Students and Their Families
This will be a potluck picnic for new students and their families. If the weather cooperates, the sprinkler will be on for the children so bring bathing suits. Look for a separate invitation coming soon.
Location: The Children’s School Yard
Date: Saturday September 6th from 1:00-4:00pm
New Families Orientation Sessions
These Parent-Only orientation breakfasts are meetings to provide vital information to new families as well as provide the opportunity for new families to meet School Administration & Staff, PTA members, and enrichment and after-school representatives and ask any questions you might have.
Location: The Children’s School Cafeteria
Dates (there will be 2 dates for orientations):
- Kindergarten and Upper Grade Families
Friday, September 5th at 8:45 am after drop-off - Pre-K Families
Monday, September 8th at 8:45 am after drop-off
In the coming weeks, we will follow up this letter with a packet of important general information about topics such as drop off and pickup, busing, and school hours. Also, please keep an eye out for letters from your child’s teachers and any other communications from school.
If you have not yet fully explored the PS 372 website at, please take a look to find out more about our school, get official information, and access classroom supply lists where applicable.
In addition, If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, Anne Baker and Nicole Krieger, the PTA Co-Presidents at and Yvette Agas-Bautz, our Parent Coordinator at
Enjoy the rest of your summer !!!