Date: The whole month of February 2020
Mission: A fun school community event, which celebrates reading while empowering students to participate in fundraising for PS 372. All of the money raised will go directly to fund our school. 20% of funds raised will go to our school library to purchase new books for the students.
You can pay online for Read-a-thon minutes here.
Students participating in Ready, Set, Read! recorded their minutes (outside of the classroom) every day in their reading logs. Books count! Reading on a Tablet counts! Magazines count! Comics count! Newspapers count! Homework reading counts! Students who are not reading independently should include the minutes they are read to by an adult.
February 14th was the mid-month Tally Day to check minutes read and begin to distribute milestone minute badges. At the end of February, families returned Reading Logs with collected sponsorship money & Pledge Sheets. Final Tally Day was Thursday, March 5th, to distribute more certificates, badges & prizes!
Milestones & Prizes:
● Every participant in our Read-a-thon received a certificate of participation.
● Students were awarded backpack badges to showcase milestone minutes reached & read.
● Students reaching each milestone minute mark (125, 250, 500, 1,000) were entered into a drawing to win gift certificates to the Community bookstore. There are drawings for PS 372 T-shirts too!
● The class with the most participation in every grade was awarded Read-a-thon Bookmarks & participated in choosing a new book for our school library with funds raised by our Read-a-thon.
Questions? Email us at
Read-a-thon Instructions/Worksheets
- ICT Readathon Instruction Sheet (English)
- ICT Readathon Instruction Sheet (Spanish)
- 6:1:1 Readathon Instruction Sheet (English)
- 6:1:1 Readathon Instruction Sheet (Spanish)
- Reading Log (English)
- Reading Log (Spanish)
- Sponsor Sheet (English)
- Sponsor Sheet (Spanish)