Meeting called to order @ 7:40 AM



  • No quorum, so no approval of April minutes


2018-19 SLT Elections:

  • Term expires for David, Cheri, and Paula and they will not run again this year.
  • General discussion as to staff representation
  • Maybe need to review Bylaws re: ASD site. Might be better to view composition on an organizational basis, rather than site-by-site.
  • Election has to occur after PTA Elections. PTA Elections document going out today. Info session on May 23 in cafeteria. Laura Mantell to run nominating committee.


CEP 2018-19:

  • Rosa requests that all returning parents on SLT review CEP goals.
  • Rosa distributed goals.


Guide to Parent Teacher Interactions:

  • Guide can be created with certain goals to be incorporated into CEP.
  • Cheri suggested parents meet together to discuss the development of this goal.
    • Should occur before June meeting
  • Jessica spoke of some issues that arose with kids and it was not obvious how parents would then raise/discuss issue with school.
  • In part, related to issue of re-purposed day. Rosa trying to stop a vote occurring every year.
  • Rosa suggests creating a document – like a parent handbook – that can be updated and developed over time.
    • Maybe also a curriculum handbook.


Principal Update:

  • Provided across other agenda items.


UFT Update:

  • Michel absent, so nothing to report


PTA Update:

  • Welcome to New Families event today
  • Staff Appreciation Lunch on Chancellors Day (June 7)
  • Carnival will include ASD site this year
  • Luna Park wristbands selling well
  • Gala a great success


Committee Updates


Diversity Committee:

  • No report.


Social-Emotional Community Building Committee:

  • No report.


Wellness Committee:

  • Getting ready for Wellness Fair on May 19
  • Cookbook project has been a great success
  • Volunteers still needed
    • Rosa working on this too
  • Thank you to Paula for organizing and all her efforts


Meeting ended: 8:20 AM.

Date of Next Meeting: June 20, 2018.

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