For the first time, the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) site students and staff will have access to two raised beds within a shared garden space at MS 113.The large building in nearby Fort Greene houses several different schools, and while the garden existed there for many years, it wasn’t available for regular use until now. As you may know, the ASD students go to class at the ICT site during the summer, and got to spend a lot of time in the Inclusions garden in July and August. But they didn’t have outdoor gardening space during the academic year until this month.
Some beds were cultivated by other schools over the summer. Even though it is located inside an interior courtyard, the space seems to get good light. Now, as we enter October, the race is on! Science teacher Kathy Mullen hopes to start a sensory garden and a pollinator-friendly plant garden in quickly — before the first frost. Want to help make it happen? Volunteers will be needed to remove and replace soil in the 4x7x4 bed to prep it for edibles during the next two weeks.If you can carve out some time to shovel, or want to try to help with other logistics, send a note to Thanks!
Related stories:Garden Inspired School Work; Summer School Garden Assignments