Thursday morning’s site visit by The Nature Conservancy/ Nature Works Everywhere representative went well. Thanks again for all the feedback on the garden activities you and your classes have done so far.
Water Issue We did discover, however, a serious problem: The automated watering system was turned off. This was probably an accident — a student or distracted adult may have touched it unintentionally. Since the edible garden is watered automatically twice a day, if the system is switched off it can be days before someone notices and corrects the error. In the 90 degree heat, the plants will get thirsty, weak and dry very quickly — and they could die in no time. (Hint: If you don’t see some small puddles around the raised beds after 7am, something is wrong.The drip system is programmed to go off at 6am and 6pm.)
When you leave the garden, check to make sure the dial is set to AUTO, please. It should always be set to auto, there is no need to do anything but pull down the lever to turn the water on and use the hose. You don’t have to push any buttons or turn the dial. Directions are marked on the timer box attached to the faucet. If you think the automated system is not working or you are unsure of what to do, please email and we’ll respond ASAP. We’re here to help!
On a harvest note, check out the sweet green peppers — some are big enough to eat! If you cut one up, several students can sample it. There are also rapidly ripening cherry tomatoes and patty pan squash to taste. And the ground cherries will be sweet enough to eat very soon!