SLT Meeting
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
In attendance: Artie Mattia, Cathy Sarno, Steve Quester, Mary Beth Crosby Carroll, Gillian Williams, Fred Muench, Alison Bowers, Michael O’Neill, Janine DiLorenzo, Erhmei Yuan, Betsy Maclean, Danita Susi, Ira Yankwitt
Minutes by Adrienne Urbanski
Welcome and introduction of members new and old.
Chair: Ira Yankwitt
Minutes coordinator: Steve Quester
Time Keeper: Alison Bowers
I. Principals Report: Mr. Artie
a. Start of the new year has been smooth thanks to exceptional hard working staff. School has been able to keep resources in place this year.
b. Budget: Mr Artie has joined the Chancellor’s Budget Committee. There have been cuts in both district 15 and 75. So far services have been maintained. Rolling over funds from last year has helped with that, but things are getting tight. We need to think about how the PTA can help bridge the gap.
c. Grade expansion: A team from the Office of Portfolio visited the school on September 14th and were very impressed with the school. We are waiting for their approval. If approved, the next step the Expansion Proposal goes to the PEP (Panel for Education Policy) for final approval, which is expected in December. It is the job of the DOE to find us space of approved.
d. CEP: a preliminary draft is due next month. A few minor changes are needed to formulate goals for this year. The goals need to be quantitative and we need to show the rational behind them.
II. UFT Report: Steve
a. It is much easier to deal with Chancellor Wolcott. There is going to be a fight to continue the millionaires tax. We are in the 4th year of budget cuts. Another year of cuts would inevitable lead drastic service reductions for students.
III. PTA: Alison
The committee Chairs are in place and the PTA is ready to go. Upcoming is lice check, Pizza Friday, Book Fair, and Dues Drive.
Assistant Principal Rosa Amato gave birth to a baby girl! Congratulations!
Three Standing SLT Sub-Committees: meetings are open to everyone in the school community
a. Middle School Articulation: We are waiting for word from Office of Portfolio. In order to address retention we should prepare current families for expansion. Janine suggested that we hold a series of Q and A sessions for parents.
b. Diversity: For the 4th year in a row, the committee has been working on implementing the admissions policy of half seats going to the southwest area of the district (Red Hook Sunset Park). Students from the southwest are 62% of color. Only 8 of the 10 seats were filled with students from Southwest. Timing of application due dates was crucial. Filling remaining seats proved difficult because families had already chosen other schools. Committee will work with admin. on an admissions calendar that allows us to reach out more quickly to interested families when there is a vacancy (e.g. when a family who has accepted a seat doesn’t come to registration). The committee also wants to look at the broader issue of diversity, equity and access and not just the technical aspects of implementing this policy.
c. Social-emotional Development: Gillian has spearheaded anti-bullying role playing in the classrooms, to address issues of teasing and bullying and lack of empathy that kids are experiencing. Peer involvement so it comes from peers and not adults and uses innovative and fresh language. Schedules are in place, and hope to be starting at the beginning of the year. Involvement is expanding, speech teachers want to be on board. Committee also looking at the Responsive Classroom.
Next meeting: Wed. October 14. Alison will take minutes.