Do you have an extra dresser at home?
It doesn’t have to be red, but it does have to be in good working order and roughly this size. We’re looking for a gently-used chest of drawers to store and organize donated clothing at the ASD site. Dimensions of this IKEA item are 42 1/2×37 3/8 “. To arrange to donate a set of drawers, send a note to, please.
Teachers, staff & families…Are you looking for an upcycled item or used furniture for your classroom or your students? Send requests to the green community board via email to . Thank you. –The Green Team
Give What You Can & Take What You Need
The Green Team is a new PTA of PS 372 committee that aims to help implement and align with DOE’s Sustainability Initiatives and help minimize the PTA’s carbon footprint. Learn more about reducing, reusing and recycling by reading notes from recent meetings or subscribing to the google group.